William C. Ackermann Sr. Civil Engineering Scholarship

This award was established to provide undergraduate scholarships in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. William Ackermann Sr. was chief of the Illinois State Water Survey from 1956-79, and a professor of civil engineering at Illinois during those years. He was known for his love of teaching and desire to help people and advance human welfare. In 1982 he was recognized as a Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois.

The award is divided into two equal payments: one during the Fall semester and the other during the Spring semester.

Past recipients:

2024     Eddie Vercruysse

2023     Aaron Leshuk-Morita

2022     Jack Reicherts

2021     Lauren Schissler

2020     Lauren Schissler

2019     Andrew Conwell

2018     Luke Hoppenworth

2017     Adam Werntz

2016     Lama Aoudi, Jacqueline Glattard

2015     John Walker, Andrew Unander

2014     Emma Kay

2013     Michael Weiss

2012     Andrew Bishop

2011     Jenna M. Diestelmeier, Douglas M. Houser, Kevin Law

2010     Shohei Kurokawa, Arielle L. Malinowski