International Programs
CEE is actively engaged in the international community, endeavoring to solve societal challenges on a global scale. As part of that engagement, it is important that our students have the opportunity to travel the world through coursework and student organizations to gain experience technical and cultural diversity. Additionally, overseas collaborations enable CEE at Illinois to offer expertise to emerging educational establishments worldwide, foster faculty and student exchange, and achieve global engagement in teaching and research. Strong international ties also help the department attract the world’s brightest students to Illinois.
South Africa
CEE student travel opportunities
Many CEE students have the opportunity to travel the world as part of their coursework. Through CEE's Global Leaders in Construction Management (GLCM) program, students travel across the globe to engage with international construction leaders and organizations. Graduate students working with faculty members on research projects have found themselves in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal and India. And the Grainger College's International Programs in Engineering can help you find your perfect study abroad location.
Beyond the classroom, several engineering student organizations feature an international focus, such as the Illinois student chapter of Engineers Without Borders, that promotes community-driven engineering projects fostered by local partners for a sustainable global future, or the Engineers In Action (EIA) Bridge Program.
Your CEE advisor can connect you with additional study abroad opportunities that further your educational goals.
B.S.+M.S. Program
Cooperative agreements with overseas universities facilitate student exchange and collaborations in research and education. Among them, the B.S.+M.S. program allows international students to spend their senior year at Illinois, obtain a Bachelor of Science degree from their home institution, and continue their education to earn a Master of Science degree from CEE at Illinois.