CEE 415

CEE 415 - Geometric Design of Roads

Spring 2025

Geometric Design of RoadsCEE415ONC77561ONL4 -    Arthur R Schmidt
Alireza Talebpour
Geometric Design of RoadsCEE415ONL60850ONL4 -    Arthur R Schmidt
Alireza Talebpour
Geometric Design of RoadsCEE415TW31716LCD41500 - 1650 M W F  2311 Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg Alireza Talebpour
Arthur R Schmidt
Urban Hydrology and HydraulicsCEE453TW31728LCD41500 - 1650 M W F  2311 Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg Alireza Talebpour
Arthur R Schmidt

Official Description

Highway classification; analysis of factors in developing a transportation facility; highway geometrics design and safety standards; roadway design element; human factors in roadway design; roadway location principles; intersection, interchange, and ramp design; drainage factors. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CEE 310.

Subject Area

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Course Description

This combined course (415/453) will cover the geometric design of roadway and associated drainage. The topics to be covered in the combined course are vehicle-driver characteristics, safety and sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignment, interchanges, earthwork and mass-haul, hydrologic computations, design of various hydraulic structures, flood-plain computations, scour and erosion control design, and storm-water best management practices. A major component of the class is a semester long, team-oriented design project of a roadway including drainage calculations and hydraulic structures. (Credit is not given for both CEE 415 and CEE 453.)

Credit Hours

4 hours


A course in Transportation Engineering (CEE 310).

Last updated
