CEE 470

CEE 470 - Structural Analysis

Fall 2024

Structural AnalysisCEE470ONC62165ONL4 -     C. Armando Duarte
Structural AnalysisCEE470ONL69121ONL4 -     C. Armando Duarte
Structural AnalysisCEE470RS29778LCD41200 - 1350 M W  2311 Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg  C. Armando Duarte
Structural AnalysisCEE470ZJ177739LEC4 -    B F Spencer, Jr

Official Description

Direct stiffness method of structural analysis; fundamentals and algorithms; numerical analysis of plane trusses, grids and frames; virtual work and energy principles; finite element method for plane stress and plane strain. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CEE 470 and ME 471. Prerequisite: CEE 360.

Course Description

This course covers direct stiffness method of structural analysis; fundamentals and algorithms; numerical analysis of plane trusses, grids and frames; virtual work and energy principles; finite element method for plane stress and plane strain. *Please note: Students will have the option of joining this class live and/or viewing the recording. For more information, contact Meg Griffin, mgriffn@illinois.edu, 217-333-3921.

Credit Hours

4 hours


A course in Structural Engineering (CEE 360).

Last updated
