Fabian Bombardelli
Associate Professor
University of California, Davis
CEEAA Young Alumni Achievement Award, 2015
For an outstanding academic career at the University of California at Davis in research, teaching and service; for his leadership in multi-phase flows for environmental applications; for his unparalleled set of research skills in theory, numerical computations, laboratory observations and field work; and for his active role assisting the United Nations and the government of Argentina on diverse projects in Latin America.
Fabián Bombardelli was born in Argentina; he obtained a Hydraulic Engineering degree at the National University of La Plata, and a Master degree at the University of Buenos Aires. He moved to Illinois in 1998 to undertake Ph.D. research under Prof. García. Concurrently with obtaining his Ph.D., Bombardelli became faculty of the CEE Department at the University of California, Davis (2004), where he is presently a tenured Associate Professor.
At Illinois, Bombardelli implemented three-dimensional models of flow in the Chicago River, connected one-dimensional models of bubble plumes with theories of multi-phase flows, and developed three-dimensional models and experiments for bubble plumes. In addition, he provided a derivation for an important equation of fluid mechanics. Bombardelli received awards as a student by the ASCE and the ASME. He was also nominated, by the UIUC CEE Department, for the Straub Award for the most meritorious thesis in Hydraulics.
At California, Bombardelli addresses theoretically, numerically and experimentally, diverse multi-phase flows such as stream sediment transport and entrainment, air entrainment in channels, and inlet closures. He received recently two awards from ASCE and IAHR. Bombardelli assists the Government of Argentina on issues of water quality, and has participated on projects for the United Nations.