Helen Nguyen
- Ivan Racheff Professor of Environmental Engineering in CEE
- CEE Excellence Faculty Fellow
- Professor
Primary Research Area
- Environmental Engineering and Science
Research Areas
For More Information
Helen Nguyen holds a B.S. with Honors in Geology (Ivan Franko National University of L'viv, Ukraine, 1995), an M.S. in Earth and Environmental Science (University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000), an M.S. in Environmental Engineering (Johns Hopkins University, 2004), and a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Johns Hopkins University, 2005).
Dr. Nguyen joined the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in November 2006 where she teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in environmental engineering, with an emphasis on physico-chemical processes for water and wastewater treatments.
Dr. Nguyen is a member of the American Chemical Society (Environmental Chemistry Division and Colloid and Surface Chemistry division), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors. Prior to joining UIUC, Dr. Nguyen was a Gaylord Donnelley Environmental Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University. Dr. Nguyen is the recipient of the 2006 AEESP/CH2M Hill Outstanding Dissertation Award and 2010 NSF CAREER award.
Dr Nguyen is a faculty advisor for an Engineers Without Borders team that won: Engineering Open House - 1st Place in the Real World Category; Central State Water Environment Association and Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition - 1st Place; National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Summit Student Poster Competition - 1st Place, EPA P3 (People, Prosperity and the Planet) phase I and II award , 2010. Dr Nguyen also received the ASCE-EWB Sustainable Development Award for advising an EWB team that develops a sustainable engineering solution that explores innovative ways of effectively capturing and utilizing resources, 2010.
- Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
- M.S. Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2004
- M.S. Earth and Environmental Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000
- B.S. Geology, Ivan Franko National University of L'viv, 1995
Academic Positions
- Ivan Racheff Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (100%), Aug. 2020-present
- Affiliate, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (100%), Aug. 2020-present
- Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (100%), Aug. 2019-present
- Chair, Environmental Engineering and Science Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017-2019
- Affiliate, Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (0%), Oct. 2015-present
- Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (100%), Aug. 2013-present.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (100%), Nov. 2006-Aug. 2013.
- Postdoctoral Associate, Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Program, Yale University (100%), Advisor: Professor Menachem Elimelech, 2005-2006.
Journal Editorships
- Editor-in-Chief, AGU Journal GeoHealth, 2024-present
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Environment International, 2020-present
- Associate Editor, Environment International, 2018-2020
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board for Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Journal, 2017-present
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board for Environmental Science & Technology Journal, 2017-present
- Guest co-editor for Environmental Virology issue of Current Opinions in Virology, 2012
Professional Societies
- Chair of AEESP Award Committee 2023-2026
- Member of AEESP Award Committee 2013-2016
- Member of Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, 2002-present
- Member of American Geophysical Union, 2006-present
- Member of American Chemical Society, 2002-present
Service on Department Committees
- Chair of Environmental Engineering and Science Program, 2017-2021
Service on College Committees
- Member of search committee for Faculty in Pathobiology Veterinary Medicine, academic year 2012-2013
- Member of Safety Advisory Board Committee at College of Engineering, Fall 2016
Service on Campus Committees
- Member of University biosafety committee, current
Service to Federal and State Government
- NSF panel Oct 2020, April 2021, June 2021
- NAS Panel on Groundwater Recharge and Flow, 2019
- NSF, site visit team for PIRE project, May 2018
- NSF panel, Nov. 2016
- USEPA review panel, 2011
- NSF MRI panel review, June 2010
- USDA panel review, June 2009, Water and watershed
- NSF panel review, June 2007, May 2009, May 2010, May 2013 Environmental Engineering, CBET.
Other Outside Service
- Organize annual workshop on food safety and water treatment for local and small farms. This is a collaboration with Illinois Extension and funded by USDA. Link to video of workshop in Spring 2018 http://bit.ly/ILLocalFoodsYouTube
- Paper review: Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Organic Geochemistry, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Biomacromolecules, Langmuir, Water Research, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of American Chemical Society.
Research Interests
- Pathogens and biofilms in drinking water distribution system
- Environmental surveillance of pathogens
- Water and Food Safety
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
I currently advise 10 undergrad students doing research on pathogen removal.
Primary Research Area
- Environmental Engineering and Science
Research Areas
Selected Articles in Journals
- Palma-Salgado, S., Ku, KM., Juvik, JA , Araud, E., Nguyen, Th.H., Feng, H., Attachment and removal of porcine rotavirus (PRV) and Tulane virus (TV) on fresh and artificial phylloplanes of Romaine lettuce and Carmel spinach as affected by ultrasonication in combination with oxidant- or surfactant-based sanitizer(s), International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2025, Volume 429, 2 February 2025, 111020
- Y Mao, JL Shisler, TH Nguyen, Enhanced detection for antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater samples using a CRISPR-enriched metagenomic method, Water Research, 2024, Volume 274, 15 April 2025, 123056
- Seo, Y., A. Zhou, T.H. Nguyen, and N. Wei, Yeast Surface-Displayed Quenchbody as a Novel Whole-Cell Biosensor for One-Step Detection of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2024. 13(9): p. 2926-2937.
- Jamal, Y., M. Usmani, K.D. Brumfield, K. Singh, A. Huq, T.H. Nguyen, R. Colwell, and A. Jutla, Quantification of Climate Footprints of Vibrio vulnificus in Coastal Human Communities of the United States Gulf Coast. GeoHealth, 2024. 8(8): p. e2023GH001005.
- Storms, S.M., J. Shisler, T.H. Nguyen, F.A. Zuckermann, and J.F. Lowe, Lateral flow paired with RT-LAMP: A speedy solution for Influenza A virus detection in swine. Veterinary Microbiology, 2024. 296: p. 110174.
- Uprety, S., I. Ngo, M. Maggos, B. Dangol, S.P. Sherchan, J.L. Shisler, M. Amarasiri, D. Sano, and T.H. Nguyen, Multiple pathogen contamination of water, hands, and fomites in rural Nepal and the effect of WaSH interventions. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2024. 257: p. 114341.
- Subramanian, P.S.G., J.V. Puthussery, Y. Mao, S. Salana, T.H. Nguyen, T. Newell, and V. Verma, Influence of Human Activities and Occupancy on the Emission of Indoor Particles from Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Sources. ACS ES&T Air, 2024.
- Clark, G. G.; Geisler, D.; Coey, E. J.; Pollitz, L. J.; Zaki, F. R.; Huang, C.; Boppart, S. A.; Nguyen, T. H., Influence of phosphate on bacterial release from activated carbon point-of-use filters and on biofilm characteristics. Science of The Total Environment 2024, 914, 169932.
- Jang, C.; Zhou, H.; Araud, E.; Nguyen, T. H.; Bhattarai, R., Evaluation of woodchips-amended biosand filter for nitrate and MS2 bacteriophage reduction. Journal of Water and Health 2023.
- Usmani, M., Brumfield, K., Magers, B., Zhou, A., Oh, C., Mao, Y., Bill, B., Schmidt, A., Wu, C.Y., Shisler, J., Nguyen, T.H., Colwell, R., and Jutla, A.: Building environmental and sociological predictive intelligence to understand the seasonal threat of SARS-CoV-2 in human populations. AJTMH, doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.23-0077
- Huang, C., T.R. Ginn, G.G. Clark, F.R. Zaki, J. Won, S.A. Boppart, and T.H. Nguyen, Phosphate-based corrosion inhibition in drinking water systems and effects on disinfectant decay and biofilm growth. Environmental Engineering Science, 2023. 40(11): p. 634-644.
- Mao, Y., M. Zeineldin, M. Usmani, A. Jutla, J.L. Shisler, R.J. Whitaker, and T.H. Nguyen, Local and Environmental Reservoirs of Salmonella enterica After Hurricane Florence Flooding. GeoHealth, 2023. 7(11): p. e2023GH000877.
- Oh, C., G. Xun, S.T. Lane, V.A. Petrov, H. Zhao, and T.H. Nguyen, Portable, single nucleotide polymorphism-specific duplex assay for virus surveillance in wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 2024. 912: p. 168701.
- Oh, C., A. Zhou, K. O'Brien, A.R. Schmidt, J. Geltz, J.L. Shisler, A.R. Schmidt, L. Keefer, W.M. Brown, and T.H. Nguyen, Improved performance of nucleic acid-based assays for genetically diverse norovirus surveillance. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2023. 89(10): p. e00331-23.
- Usmani, M., Uprety, S., Sano, D., Shisler, J.L., Unnikrishnan, A., Nguyen, T.H., Jutla, A., Assessment of pathogens in flood waters in coastal rural regions: Case study after Hurricane Michael and Florence, PLOSOne, 2023
- Uprety, S.; Sherchan, S. P.; Narayanan, P.; Dangol, B.; Maggos, M.; Celmer, A.; Shisler, J.; Amarasiri, M.; Sano, D.; Nguyen, T. H., Microbial assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) in temporary and permanent settlements two years after Nepal 2015 earthquake. Science of The Total Environment 2023, 162867.
- Storms, S.M., Shisler, J., Nguyen, T.H., Zuckermann, F.A. and Lowe, J.F. (2023) RT-LAMP as Diagnostic Tool for Influenza-A Virus Detection in Swine. Veterinary Sciences 10(3), 220.
- Palma-Salgado, S., Ku, K.-M., Juvik, J.A., Nguyen, T.H. and Feng, H. (2023) Artificial phylloplanes resembling physicochemical characteristics of selected fresh produce and their potential use in bacterial attachment/removal studies. Food Control, 109730.
- Huang, C., Clark, G.G., Zaki, F.R., Won, J., Ning, R., Boppart, S.A., Elbanna, A.E. and Nguyen, T.H. (2023) Effects of phosphate and silicate on stiffness and viscoelasticity of mature biofilms developed with simulated drinking water. Biofouling, 1-11.
- Wang, F., Nisar, H.J., Li, Y., Araud, E., Nguyen, T.H. and Kesavadas, T. (2022) Low-Cost UVBot Using SLAM to Mitigate the Spread of Noroviruses in Occupational Spaces. Sensors 22(22), 8926.
- Oh, C., R. Chowdhury, L. Samineni, J.L. Shisler, M. Kumar, and T.H. Nguyen,Inactivation Mechanism and Efficacy of Grape Seed Extract for Human Norovirus Surrogate. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022. 88(9): p. e02247-21.
- Oh, C., A. Zhou, K. O'Brien, Y. Jamal, H. Wennerdahl, A.R. Schmidt, J.L. Shisler, A. Jutla, A.R. Schmidt, L. Keefer, W.M. Brown, and T.H. Nguyen, Application of neighborhood-scale wastewater-based epidemiology in low COVID-19 incidence situations. Science of The Total Environment, 2022. 852: p. 158448.
- Usmani, M., Brumfield, K.D., Magers, B.M., Huq, A., Barciela, R., Nguyen, T.H., Colwell, R.R., and Jutla, A., Predictive Intelligence for Cholera in Ukraine?, GeoHealth, 2022. 6(9): p. e2022GH000681.
- Wang, F., Nisar, H.J., Li, Y., Araud, E., Nguyen, T.H. and Kesavadas, T., Low-Cost UVBot Using SLAM to Mitigate the Spread of Noroviruses in Occupational Spaces. Sensors, 2022. 22(22): p. 8926.
- Jamal, Y., Gangwar, M., Usmani, M., Adams, A., Wu, C-Y, Nguyen, T.H., Colwell, R., Jutla, A., Identification of thresholds on population density for understanding transmission of COVID-19, 2022, GeoHealth, 6, doi: 10.1029/2021GH000449
- Oh, C, Sashittal, P., Zhou, A., Wang, L., El-Kebir, M., Nguyen, T.H., Design of SARS-CoV-2 Variant-Specific PCR Assays Considering Regional and Temporal Characteristics, 2022, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88
- Oh, C., Kim, K., Araud, E., Wang, L., Shisler, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., A novel approach to concentrate human and animal viruses from wastewater using receptors-conjugated magnetic beads, Water Research, 2022, 212, 118112
- Shi, X., Clark, G. G., Huang, C., Nguyen, T. H., Yuan, B., Chlorine decay and disinfection by-products formation during chlorination of biofilms formed with simulated drinking water containing corrosion inhibitors. Science of the Total Environment., 2022, 815, 152763
- Clark, G. G., Pan, W., Giammar, D. E., Nguyen, T. H., Influence of point-of-use filters and stagnation on 1 water quality at a preschool and under laboratory conditions. 2022, Water Research, Volume 211, 118034,
- Ruzic, D.N., Oh, C., Puthussery, J.V., Patel, D., Jeckell, Z., Verma, V. and Nguyen, T.H. 2021. A Plasma-Generating N-95 Respirator Decontamination Unit Created from a Microwave Oven. 11(3), 1-18. doi:10.1615/PlasmaMed.2021039998
- Goswami, N., He, Y.R., Deng, Y.-H., Oh, C., Sobh, N., Valera, E., Bashir, R., Ismail, N., Kong, H., Nguyen, T.H., Best-Popescu, C. and Popescu, G. 2021. Label-free SARS-CoV-2 detection and classification using phase imaging with computational specificity. Light: Science & Applications 10(1), 176. doi:10.1038/s41377-021-00620-8
- Mao, Y., N. Akdeniz, and T.H. Nguyen, Quantification of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in backyard and commercial composts, Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 797: p. 149197, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149197
- Sun, P.P., J. Won, G. Choo-Kang, S. Li, W. Chen, G.L. Monroy, E.J. Chaney, S.A. Boppart, J.G. Eden, and T.H. Nguyen, Inactivation and sensitization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by microplasma jet array for treating otitis media, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2021. 7(1): p. 48, doi: 10.1038/s41522-021-00219-2
- Fuzawa, M., Duan, J., Shisler, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Peracetic acid sanitation on arugula microgreens contaminated with surface-attached and internalized Tulane virus and rotavirus, Food and Environmental Virology, 2021, 13(3), 401, doi: 10.1007/s12560-021-09473-1
- Ueki, Y., M. Amarasiri, S. Kamio, A. Sakagami, H. Ito, S. Uprety, A.N. Umam, T. Miura, T.H. Nguyen, and D. Sano, Human norovirus disease burden of consuming Crassostrea gigas oysters: A case-study from Japan, Food Control, 2021. 121: p. 107556.
- Mao, Y., Zeineldin, M., Usmani, M., Uprety, S., Shisler, J.L., Jutla, A., Unnikrishnan, A., Nguyen, T.H., Distribution and antibiotic resistance profiles of Salmonella enterica in rural areas of North Carolina after Hurricane Florence in 2018, accepted GeoHealth, 2021. (5(2), p. e2020GH000294, doi:10.1029/2020GH000294
- Mori, J., S. Uprety, Y. Mao, S. Koloutsou-Vakakis, T. H. Nguyen and R. L. Smith "Quantification and Comparison of Risks Associated with Wastewater Use in Spray Irrigation." Risk Analysis, 2021. 41(5): p. 745-760. doi:10.1111/risa.13607
- Huang, C., Sun, P.P, Won, J., Wang, Y., Boppart, S.A., Nguyen, T.H., Effect of nonphosphorus corrosion inhibitors on biofilm pore structure and mechanical properties, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(22), p. 14716, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c04645
- Bogler, A., A. Packman, A. Furman, A. Gross, A. Kushmaro, A. Ronen, C. Dagot, C. Hill, D. Vaizel-Ohayon, E. Morgenroth, E. Bertuzzo, G. Wells, H.R. Kiperwas, H. Horn, I. Negev, I. Zucker, I. Bar-Or, J. Moran-Gilad, J.L. Balcazar, K. Bibby, M. Elimelech, N. Weisbrod, O. Nir, O. Sued, O. Gillor, P.J. Alvarez, S. Crameri, S. Arnon, S. Walker, S. Yaron, T.H. Nguyen, Y. Berchenko, Y. Hu, Z. Ronen, and E. Bar-Zeev, Rethinking wastewater risks and monitoring in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Sustainability, 2020, 3, p. 981, doi:10.1038/s41893-020-00605-2.
- Fu, Y., H. Peng, J. Liu, T.H. Nguyen, M.Z. Hashmi, and C. Shen, Occurrence and Quantification of Culturable and Viable but Non-culturable (VBNC) Pathogens in Biofilm on Different Pipes from a Metropolitan Drinking Water Distribution System. Science of The Total Environment, 2020: p. 142851, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142851
- Fuzawa, M., H. Bai, J.L. Shisler, and T.H. Nguyen, The Basis of Peracetic Acid Inactivation Mechanisms for Rotavirus and Tulane Virus under Conditions Relevant for Vegetable Sanitation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2020. 86(19): p. e01095-20, doi: 10.1128/AEM.01095-20
- Manivannan, B., N. Massalha, F. Halahlih, E. Eltzov, T.H. Nguyen, I. Sabbah, and M. Borisover, Water toxicity evaluations: Comparing genetically modified bioluminescent bacteria and CHO cells as biomonitoring tools. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020. 203: p. 110984, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110984
- Oh, C., E. Araud, J.V. Puthussery, H. Bai, G.G. Clark, L. Wang, V. Verma, and T.H. Nguyen, Dry Heat as a Decontamination Method for N95 Respirator Reuse. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020. 7(9): p. 677-682, doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00534
- Oh, C., P.P. Sun, E. Araud, and T.H. Nguyen, Mechanism and efficacy of virus inactivation by a microplasma UV lamp generating monochromatic UV irradiation at 222 nm. Water Research, 2020. 186: p. 116386, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116386
- Palma-Salgado, S., K.-M. Ku, M. Dong, T.H. Nguyen, J.A. Juvik, and H. Feng, Adhesion and removal of E. coli K12 as affected by leafy green produce epicuticular wax composition, surface roughness, produce and bacterial surface hydrophobicity, and sanitizers. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2020. 334: p. 108834, doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108834
- Wu, C.-F., L.M. Piedra, L.E. Matthew, E.C. Rhodes, and T.H. Nguyen, Water treatment in rural Guatemala: factors associated with the use of biosand water filters, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2020. 10(2): p. 286-297, doi: 10.2166/washdev.2020.147
- Zhang, X., Lardizabal, A., Silverman, A.I., Vione, D., Kohn, T., Nguyen, T.H. and Guest, J.S., Global sensitivity analysis of environmental, water quality, photoreactivity, and engineering design parameters in sunlight inactivation of viruses, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c01214
- Uprety, S., Dangol, B., Nakarmi, P., Dhakal, I., Sherchan, S., Shisler, Jutla, A.s., Amarasiri, M., Sano, D., Nguyen, T.H., Assessment of microbial risks by characterization of Escherichia coli presence to analyze the public health risks from poor water quality in Nepal, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2020, 226, 113484, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113484
- Huang, C., Shen, Y., Smith, R.L., Dong S., Nguyen, T.H., (2020) Effect of disinfectant residuals on infection risks from Legionella pneumophila released by biofilms grown under simulated premise plumbing conditions, Environment International, 2020, 137, 105561, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105561
- Massalha, N., Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H., Dong, S., (2020) Influence of anaerobic mesophilic and thermophilic digestion on cytotoxicity of swine wastewaters, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54 (5), 3032-3038, doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b07066
- Araud, E., Fuzawa, M., Shisler, J.L., Li, J. and Nguyen, T.H. UV inactivation of rotavirus and Tulane virus targets different components of the virions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2020, 86(4), e02436-19, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02436-19.
- Bauza, V., Madadi, V., Ocharo, R., Nguyen, T.H. and Guest, J.S. Enteric pathogens from water, hands, surface, soil, drainage ditch, and stream exposure points in a low-income neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 709, 135344, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135344
- Fuzawa, M., R. L. Smith, K.-M. Ku, J. L. Shisler, H. Feng, J. A. Juvik and T. H. Nguyen, Roles of Vegetable Surface Properties and Sanitizer Type on Annual Disease Burden of Rotavirus Illness by Consumption of Rotavirus-Contaminated Fresh Vegetables: A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment.Risk Analysis, 2020, 40 (4), 741-757, doi:10.1111/risa.13426
- Samineni, L., Xiong, B., Chowdhury, R., Pei, A., Kuehster, L., Wang, H., Dickey, R., Soto, P.E., Massenburg, L., Nguyen, T.H., Maranas, C., Velegol, D., Kumar, M. and Velegol, S.B., 7-log virus removal in a simple functionalized sand filter. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53 (21), 12706-12714, doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b03734
- Straub, A. P.; Asa, E.; Zhang, W.; Nguyen, T. H.; Herzberg, M., In-Situ Graft-Polymerization Modification of Commercial Ultrafiltration Membranes for Long-Term Fouling Resistance in a Pilot-Scale Membrane Bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 122865, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.122865
- Wu, X.; Tang, A.; Bi, X.; Nguyen, T. H.; Yuan, B., Influence of algal organic matter of Microcystis aeruginosa on ferrate decay and MS2 bacteriophage inactivation. Chemosphere 2019, 236, 124727, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124727.
- Fuzawa, M., Araud, E., Li, J., Shisler, J.L. and Nguyen, T.H. (2019) Free Chlorine Disinfection Mechanisms of Rotaviruses and Human Norovirus Surrogate Tulane Virus Attached to Fresh Produce Surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology 53(20), 11999-12006, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03461
- Bauza, V.; Madadi, V.; Ocharo, R.; Nguyen, T.; Guest, J.S. Microbial source tracking using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing identifies evidence of widespread contamination from young children’s feces in an urban slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(14), 8271-8281, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06583
- Wang, Y., E. Araud, J.L. Shisler, T.H. Nguyen, and B. Yuan, Influence of algal organic matter on MS2 bacteriophage inactivation by ultraviolet irradiation at 220 nm and 254 nm. Chemosphere, 2019. 214: 195-202, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.09.065
- Nelson, K.L., A.B. Boehm, R.J. Davies-Colley, M.C. Dodd, T. Kohn, K.G. Linden, Y.Y. Liu, P.A. Maraccini, K. McNeill, W.A. Mitch, T.H. Nguyen, K.M. Parker, R.A. Rodriguez, L.M. Sassoubre, A.I. Silverman, K.R. Wigginton, and R.G. Zepp, Sunlight-mediated inactivation of health-relevant microorganisms in water: a review of mechanisms and modeling approaches. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2018. 20(8): 1089-1122. DOI: 10.1039/C8EM00047F
- Sun, P.P., Araud, E., Huang, C. Shen, Y., Monroy, G.L., Zhong, S., Tong, Z., Boppart, S.A., Eden, J.G., and Nguyen, T.H., Disintegration of simulated drinking water biofilms with arrays of microchannel plasma jet, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 24, 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41522-018-0063-4
- Dong, S., Massalha, N.,Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H.,The impact of disinfection Ct values on cytotoxicity of agricultural wastewaters: Ozonation vs. chlorination, Water Research, 144, 482-490, 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.07.065
- Xu, J., Huang, C., Shi, X., Dong, S., Yuan, B., Nguyen, T.H., Role of Drinking Water Biofilms on Residual Chlorine Decay and Trihalomethane Formation: An Experimental and Modeling Study, Science of the Total Environment, 642, 516-525, 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.363
- Shen, Y., Huang, P-C., Huang, C., Sun, P., Monroy, G., Wu, W., Lin, J., Espinoza-Marzal, R., Boppart, S.A., Liu, W.-T. , and Nguyen, T.H., Effect of divalent ions and a polyphosphate on composition, structure, and stiffness of simulated drinking water biofilms, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 4, 15, 2018, DOI: ; doi:10.1038/s41522-018-0058-1
- Araud, E., Shisler, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Inactivation mechanisms of human and animal rotaviruses by solar UVA and visible light, Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 5682–5690, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06562
- Dong, S., Li, J., Kim, MH., Cho, JH., Park, S-J., Nguyen, T.H.,; Eden, JG., Deactivation of Legionella Pneumophila in municipal wastewater by ozone generated in arrays of microchannel plasmas, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 255501, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aac379
- Liang, X., Lv, N., Chang, L.C., Nguyen, T.H. and Massoudieh, A., Evaluation of Bacterial Run and Tumble Motility Parameters Through Trajectory Analysis. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 211, 26-38, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2018.03.002
- Ferrando, D., Toubiana, D., Kandiyote, N. S., Nguyen, T. H., Nejidat, A., Herzberg, M., Ambivalent role of calcium in the viscoelastic properties of extracellular polymeric substances and the consequent fouling of reverse osmosis membranes, Desalination, 429, 12-19, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2017.12.006
- Khan, R., Nguyen, T. H., Shishler, J.L., Lin, L-S, Jutla, A., Colwell, R., Evaluation of risk of cholera after a natural disaster: Lessons learned from the 2015 Nepal earthquake, J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144, 04018044, 2018, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000929
- Massalha, N., Dong, S., Plewa, M.J., Borisover, M., Nguyen, T.H., Spectroscopic indicators for cytotoxicity of chlorinated and ozonated effluents from wastewater stabilization ponds and activated sludge, Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 3167-3174, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05510
- Uprety, S., Hong, P-Y, Sadik, N. Dangol, B., Adhikari, R., Jutla, A., Shisler, J.L., Degnan, P., Nguyen, TH., The Effect of the 2015 Earthquake on the Bacterial Community Compositions in Water in Nepal, Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 2380, 2017, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02380
- Dong, S., Nguyen, TH., Plewa, MJ. Comparative mammalian cell cytotoxicity of wastewater with elevated bromide and iodide after chlorination, chloramination, or ozonation, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 58, 296-301, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2017.03.030
- Uprety, S.,Iwelunmor, J., Sadik, N., Dangol, B., Nguyen, T.H., A qualitative case study of water, sanitation, and hygiene resources after Gorkha earthquake in Nepal, Earthquake Spectra, 2017, doi.org/10.1193/112916EQS212M
- Sadik, N.J., Uprety, S.R., Nalweyiso, A., Kiggundu, N., Banadda, N., Shisler, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Quantification of multiple waterborne pathogens in drinking water, drainage channels, and surface water in Kampala, Uganda during seasonal variation, GeoHealth, 2017, 1, 258–269, doi:10.1002/2017GH000081
- Shoaib, T., Carmichael, A., Corman, R., Shen, Y., Nguyen, T.H., Ewoldt, R. H., Espinosa-Marzal, R. M., Self-adaptive Hydrogels to Mineralization, Soft Matter, 2017, 13 (32), 5469-5480, DOI: 10.1039/C7SM01058C
- Dong, S., Massalha, N., Plewa M.J., Nguyen, T.H., Toxicity of wastewater with elevated bromide and iodide after chlorination, chloramination, or ozonation disinfection, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51 (16), 9297-9304, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02345.
- Amarasiri, M., Kitajima, M., Nguyen, T.H., Okabe, S. Sano, D., Bacteriophage removal efficiency as a validation and operational monitoring tool for virus reduction in wastewater reclamation, Water Research, 2017, 121, 258-269, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.05.035
- Lu, R., Zhang, C., Piatkovsky, M., Ulbricht, M., Herzberg, M., Nguyen, T.H., Improvement of virus removal using ultrafiltration membranes modified with 1 grafted zwitterionic polymer hydrogels, Water Research, 116 (6), 86–94, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.03.023
- Shen, Y., Huang, C., Lin, J., Wu, W., Ashbolt, N.J., Liu, W.-T., Nguyen, T.H., Effect of disinfectant exposure on Legionella pneumophila associated with simulated drinking water biofilms: release, inactivation, and infectivity, Environmental science & technology, 51 (4), 2087-2095, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04754
- Bauza, V., Ocharo, R. M., Nguyen, T.H., Guest, J.S., Soil Ingestion Is Associated with Child Diarrhea in an Urban Slum of Nairobi, Kenya, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 96 (3), 569-575, 2017, doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0543
- Dong, S., Li, J., Kim, M.H., Park, S. J., Eden, G., Guest, J., Nguyen, T.H., Human Health Trade-offs in the Disinfection of Wastewater for Landscape Irrigation: Microplasma Ozonation vs. Chlorination, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3 (1), 106-118, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6EW00235H
- Matthew, L. E., Piedra, L. M., Wu, C. F., Diaz, A. K., Wang, H. T., Straub, A. P., Nguyen, T. H., Social work and engineering: Lessons from a water filtration project in Guatemala, 60, 1578-1590, 2017, DOI:10.1177/0020872816655869
- Dong, S., Lu, J., Plewa M.J., Nguyen, T.H., Comparative Mammalian Cell Cytotoxicity of Wastewaters for Agricultural Reuse after Ozonation, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (21), 11752-11759, 2016, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04796
- Feng, Z., Lu, R., Yuan, B., Zhou, Z., Wu, Q., Nguyen, T.H., Influence of solution chemistry on the inactivation of particle-associated viruses by UV irradiation, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 148, pp. 622–628, 2016, doi: j.colsurfb.2016.09.025
- Fuzawa, M., Ku, K.-M., Palma-Salgado, S. P., Nagasaka, K., Feng, H., Juvik, J. A., Sano, D., Shisler, J.L., and Nguyen, T. H., Effect of Leaf Surface Chemical Properties on the Efficacy of Sanitizer for Rotavirus Inactivation, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82 (20), pp 6214-6222, 2016, doi: 10.1128/AEM.01778-16.
- Wang, H., Li, M, Brockman, K., and Nguyen, T.H., Reduction of MS2 bacteriophage and rotavirus by biosand filters, Environmental Science: Water Science and Technology, 2 (3), pp 483-491, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C5EW00297D
- Shen, Y., Huang, C., Monroy, G., Janjaroen, D., Derlon, N., Lin J., Espinoza-Marzal, R., Morgenroth, E., Boppart, S.A., Ashbolt, N. J., Liu, W.-T. and Nguyen, T.H., Response of simulated drinking water biofilm mechanical and structural properties to long-term disinfectant exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (4), pp 1779–178, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04653
- Lu, R., Li, Q., Nguyen, T.H., Random sequential adsorption of human adenovirus 2 onto polyvinylidene fluoride surface influenced by extracellular polymeric substances, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 466, pp 120–127, 2016, doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2015.12.017
- Lu, R., Li, Q., Yin, Z., Xagoraraki, I., Tarabara, V.V., Nguyen, T.H., Effect of virus influent concentration on Its removal by microfiltration: the case of human adenovirus 2, Journal of Membrane Science, 497, pp 120–127, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2015.08.065.
- Lu, N., Massoudieh, A., Liang, X., Hu, D., Kamai, T., Ginn, T.R., Zilles, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Swimming motility reduces Azotobacter vinelandii deposition to silica surfaces, Journal of Environmental Quality, Special Issue on Microbial Transport, 44, pp 1366-1375, 2015. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2015.03.0141
- Lu, L., Ku, K.M., Palma-Salgado, S., Storm, A., Feng, H., Juvik, J.A., Nguyen, T.H., Influence of epicuticular physicochemical properties on porcine rotavirus adsorption to 24 leafy green vegetables and tomatoes, PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132841, 2015. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132841
- Lu, N., Massoudieh, A., Liang, X., Kamai, T., Zilles, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Ginn, T.R., A Kinetic Model of Gene Transfer via Natural Transformation for Azotobacter vinelandii, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 1, pp 363-374, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5EW00023H
- Romero-Maraccini, O., Shisler, J.L., and Nguyen, T.H., Effects of solar irradiation and temperature treatments on the life cycle of human rotavirus Wa, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81(12), pp 4090-4097, 2015, doi:10.1128/AEM.00027-15.
- Shen, Y., Monroy, G., Derlon, N., Janjaroen, D., Huang C., Morgenroth, E., Boppart, S.A., Ashbolt, N. j., Liu, W.-T. and Nguyen, T.H., Role of biofilm roughness and hydrodynamic conditions in Legionella pneumophila adhesion to and detachment from simulated drinking water biofilms, Environmental Science & Technology, 49(7), pp 4274−4282, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/es505842v
- Liu, Y, Dong, S, Kuhlenschmidt, M.S., Kuhlenschmidt, T.B., Drnevich, J., Nguyen, T.H., Inactivation Mechanisms of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by Solar Ultraviolet Irradiation, Environmental Science: Water Science and Technology, 1, pp 188-198, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C4EW00079J
- Dong, S., Hong, P-Y, Nguyen, T.H., Persistence of Bacteroides ovatus under simulated sunlight irradiation, BMC Microbiology, 14:178, 2014, doi:10.1186/1471-2180-14-178
- Wang, H., Narihiro, T., Straub, A., Pugh, C., Tamaki, H., Moor, J. Bradley, I., Kamagata, Y., Liu, W.T, Nguyen, T.H., MS2 Bacteriophage Reduction and Microbial Communities in Biosand Filters, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (12), pp 6702–6709, 2014, DOI: 10.1021/es500494s
- Phan, A.D, Tracy, D.A., Nguyen, T. L. H., Viet,N. A., Phan, T.-L. and Nguyen, T.H., Electric potential profile of a spherical soft particle with a charged core, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139 (24), pp. 244908- 244913, 2013, doi: 10.1063/1.4851196
- Lu, R., D. Mosiman, and Nguyen, T.H., Mechanisms of MS2 Bacteriophage Removal by Fouled Ultrafiltration Membrane Subjected to Different Cleaning Methods, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (23), pp 13422–13429, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/es403426t
- Gutierrez, L. and Nguyen, T.H., Interactions between rotavirus and natural organic matter isolates of different physicochemical characteristics, Langmuir, 29 (47), pp 14460–14468, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/la402893b
- Romero-Maraccini, O., Sadik, N., Rosado-Lausell, S., Pugh, C., Niu, X.Z. Croue, J. P., Nguyen, T.H., Sunlight-Induced Inactivation of Human Wa and Porcine OSU Rotaviruses in the Presence of Exogenous Photosensitizers, Environmental Science & Technology, 47(19), 11004-11012, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/es402285u
- Massoudieh, A., Lu, N., Liang, X., Nguyen, T.H., Ginn, T.R., Bayesian Process-Identification in Bacteria Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 153, 78–91, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2013.08.004
- Rosado-Lausell, S.L., Wang. H., Gutierrez, L., Romero-Maraccini, O.C., Niu, X.Z., Gin, K.Y., Croue, J.P., Nguyen, T.H., Roles of Singlet Oxygen and Triplet Excited State of Dissolved Organic Matter Formed by Different Organic Matters in Bacteriophage MS2 Inactivation, Water Research 47(14), 4869–4879, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.018
- Lu, N., Bevard, T., Massoudieh, A., Zhang, C., Dohnalkova, A., Zilles, J., Nguyen, T.H., Flagella-mediated differences in deposition dynamics for Azotobacter vinelandii in porous media, Environmental Science & Technology 47(10), 5162–5170, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/es3053398
- Janjaroen, D., Ling, F., Monroy, G., Derlon, N., Morgenroth, E., Boppart, S.A., Liu, W.-T. and Nguyen, T.H., Roles of ionic strength and biofilm roughness on adhesion kinetics of Escherichia coli onto groundwater biofilm grown on PVC surfaces. Water Research 47(7), 2531-2542, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.02.032
- Liu, Y., Zhang, C., Hu, D., Kuhlenschmidt, M.S., Kuhlenschmidt, T.B., Mylon, S.E., Kong, R., Bhargava, R. and Nguyen, T.H., Role of Collector Alternating Charged Patches on Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in a Patchwise Charged Heterogeneous Micromodel. Environmental Science & Technology 47(6), 2670-2678, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/es304075j
- Gutierrez, L., and Nguyen, T.H., Interactions between Rotavirus and Suwannee River Organic Matter: Aggregation, Deposition, and Adhesion Force Measurement, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (16), 8705–8713, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/es301336u
- Goetsch, H.E.; Mylon, S.E.; Butler, S; Zilles, J.L.; Nguyen, T.H., Oxytetracycline interactions at the soil/water interface: the effects of environmental surfaces on natural transformation and growth inhibition of Azotobacter vinelandii, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, 31 (10), 2217-2224, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/etc.1945
- Lu, N.; Mylon, S.E.; Kong, R.; Bhargava,R.; Zilles, J.L.; Nguyen, T.H., Interactions between dissolved natural organic matter and adsorbed DNA and their effect on natural transformation of Azotobacter vinelandii, Science of the Total Environment, 426, 430–435, 2012, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.03.063
- Liu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Hilpert, M.; Kuhlenschmidt, M.; Kuhlenschmidt, T.; Nguyen, T. H.,Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocyst in a silicon micromodel, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (3), 1471–1479, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/es202567t
- Romero, O.C.; Straub, A.P.; Kohn, T.; Nguyen, T.H., Role of Temperature and Suwannee River Natural Organic Matter on Inactivation Kinetics of Rotavirus and Bacteriophage MS2 by Solar Irradiation, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (24), 10385–10393, 2011, DOI: 10.1021/es202067f
- Nguyen, T.H.; Easter N.; Gutierrez L.; Huyett, L.; Defnet, E.; Mylon, S.E.; Ferri, J.; Viet, N.A., The RNA Core Weakly Influences the Interactions of the Bacteriophage MS2 at Key Environmental Interfaces, Soft Matter, 7, 10449-10456, 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C1SM06092A
- Bradley I; Straub A.; Maraccini P.; Markazi S.; Nguyen T.H., Iron Oxide Amended Biosand Filters for Virus Removal, Water Research, 45 (15), 4501-4510, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.05.045
- Liu Y.; Kuhlenschmidt M. S.; Kuhlenschmidt T. B.; Nguyen, T.H., Composition and Conformation of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocyst Wall Surface Macromolecules and Their Effect on Adhesion Kinetics of Oocysts on Quartz Surface, Biomacromolecules, 11 (8), 2109–2115, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/bm100477j
- Gutierrez, L.; Mylon, S.E.; Nash, B.; Nguyen, T.H., Deposition and aggregation kinetics of rotavirus in divalent cation solutions, Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (12), 4552–4557, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/es100120k
- Lu, N.; Zilles, J.L.; Nguyen, T.H., Adsorption of extracellular chromosomal DNA and its effects on natural transformation of Azotobacter vinelandii, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 76 (13), 4179-4184, 2010, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00193-10
- Brady-Estevez, A. S.; Nguyen, T. H.; Gutierrez, L.; Elimelech, M., Influence of Solution Chemistry on Viral Removal by a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Filter, Water Research, 44, 3773-3780, 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2010.04.023
- Janjaroen D.; Liu Y.; Kuhlenschmidt M. S.; Kuhlenschmidt T. B.; Nguyen, T. H., Role of Divalent Cations on Deposition Kinetics of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts onto Natural Organic Matter Surfaces, Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (12), 4519–4524, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/es9038566
- Nguyen, T. H.; Chen, K. L., Elimelech, M., Adsorption Kinetics and Reversibility of Linear Plasmid DNA to Silica Surfaces: Influence of Alkaline Earth and Transition Metal Ions, Biomacromolecules, 11 (5), 1225-1230, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/bm901427n
- Mylon, S. E.; Rinciog, C. I.; Schmidt, N.; Gutierrez, L.; Wong, G. C. L.; Nguyen, T. H., Influence of Salts and Natural Organic Matter on the Stability of Bacteriophage MS2. Langmuir, 26 (2), 1035–1042, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/la902290t
- Gutierrez, L.; Li, X.; Wang, J.; Nangmenyi, G.; Economy, J.; Kuhlenschmidt, T. B.; Kuhlenschmidt, M. S.; Nguyen, T. H., Adsorption of rotavirus and bacteriophage MS2 using glass fiber coated with hematite nanoparticles. Water Research, 43 (20), 5198-5208, 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2009.08.031
- Pham, M.; Mintz, E. A.; Nguyen, T. H., Deposition kinetics of bacteriophage MS2 to natural organic matter: Role of divalent cations. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 338 (1), 1-9, 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.06.025
- Liu, Y.; Janjaroen, D.; Kuhlenschmidt, M. S.; Kuhlenschmidt, T. B.; Nguyen, T. H., Deposition of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts on Natural Organic Matter Surfaces: Microscopic Evidence for Secondary Minimum Deposition in a Radial Stagnation Point Flow Cell. Langmuir, 25 (3), 1594-1605, 2009, DOI: 10.1021/la803202h
- Yuan, B. L.; Pham, M.; Nguyen, T. H., Deposition Kinetics of Bacteriophage MS2 on a Silica Surface Coated with Natural Organic Matter in a Radial Stagnation Point Flow Cell. Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (20), 7628-7633, 2008, DOI: 10.1021/es801003s
- Nguyen, T. H.; Chen, K. L., Role of divalent cations in plasmid DNA adsorption to natural organic matter-coated silica surface. Environmental Science & Technology, 41 (15), 5370-5375, 2007, DOI: 10.1021/es070425m
- Nguyen, T. H.; Elimelech, M., Adsorption of plasmid DNA to a natural organic matter-coated silica surface: Kinetics, conformation, and reversibility. Langmuir, 23 (6), 3273-3279, 2007, DOI: 10.1021/la0622525
- Nguyen, T. H.; Elimelech, M., Plasmid DNA adsorption on silica: Kinetics and conformational changes in monovalent and divalent salts. Biomacromolecules, 8 (1), 24-32, 2007, DOI: 10.1021/bm0603948
- Nguyen, T. H.; Cho, H. H.; Poster, D. L.; Ball, W. P., Evidence for a pore-filling mechanism in the adsorption of aromatic hydrocarbons to a natural wood char. Environmental Science & Technology, 41 (4), 1212-1217, 2007, DOI: 10.1021/es0617845
- Hammes, K.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Smernik, R. J.; Currie, L. A.; Ball, W. P.; Nguyen, T. H.; Louchouarn, P.; Houel, S.; Gustafsson, O.; Elmquist, M.; Cornelissen, G.; Skjemstad, J. O.; Masiello, C. A.; Song, J.; Peng, P.; Mitra, S.; Dunn, J. C.; Hatcher, P. G.; Hockaday, W. C.; Smith, D. M.; Hartkopf-Froeder, C.; Boehmer, A.; Luer, B.; Huebert, B. J.; Amelung, W.; Brodowski, S.; Huang, L.; Zhang, W.; Gschwend, P. M.; Flores-Cervantes, D. X.; Largeau, C.; Rouzaud, J. N.; Rumpel, C.; Guggenberger, G.; Kaiser, K.; Rodionov, A.; Gonzalez-Vila, F. J.; Gonzalez-Perez, J. A.; de la Rosa, J. M.; Manning, D. A. C.; Lopez-Capel, E.; Ding, L., Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soils and sediments using reference materials from soil, water, sediment and the atmosphere. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21 (3), 1-18, 2007, DOI: 10.1029/2006GB002914
- Nguyen, T. H.; Ball, W. P., Absorption and adsorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants to diesel and hexane soot. Environmental Science & Technology, 40 (9), 2958-2964, 2006, DOI: 10.1021/es052121a
- Brown, R. A.; Kercher, A. K.; Nguyen, T. H.; Nagle, D. C.; Ball, W. P., Production and characterization of synthetic wood chars for use as surrogates for natural sorbents. Organic Geochemistry, 37 (3), 321-333, 2006, DOI: 10.1021/es052121a
- Nguyen, T. H.; Sabbah, I.; Ball, W. P., Immobilization of soot particles in a silica matrix: A sorbent-carrier system for studying organic chemical sorption. Environmental Science & Technology, 39 (17), 6527-6534, 2005, DOI: 10.1021/es048271n
- Nguyen, T. H.; Goss, K. U.; Ball, W. P., Polyparameter linear free energy relationships for estimating the equilibrium partition of organic compounds between water and the natural organic matter in soils and sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 39 (4), 913-924, 2005, DOI: 10.1021/es048839s
- Nguyen, T. H.; Sabbah, I.; Ball, W. P., Sorption nonlinearity for organic contaminants with diesel soot: Method development and isotherm interpretation. Environmental Science & Technology, 38 (13), 3595-3603, 2004, DOI: 10.1021/es0499748
- Nguyen, T. H.; Brown, R. A.; Ball, W. P., An evaluation of thermal resistance as a measure of black carbon content in diesel soot, wood char, and sediment. Organic Geochemistry, 35 (3), 217-234, 2004, DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2003.09.005
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Araud, E., Shisler, JL., Nguyen, T.H., The Impact of Strain Diversity on Rotavirus Solar Irradiation Disinfection, 11th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, Long Beach, CA, July 23-27, 2017
- Lu, R., Zhang, C., Piatkovsky, M., Ulbricht, M., Herzberg, M., Nguyen, TH., Role of foulants on virus removal by membrane bioreactor, 11th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, Long Beach, CA, July 23-27, 2017
- Huang, C., Shen, Y., Smith, R., Nguyen, T.H., Risk assessment of Legionella pneumophila infection by the release from biofilms in premise plumbing, 2017 AEESP Conference, June 19-22, Michigan, USA.
- Uprety,S., Sadik, N., Nalweyiso, A., Kiggundu, N., Banadda, N. E. Shisler, J.L., Nguyen, T.H., Quantification of Multiple Waterborne Pathogens in Drinking Water, Drainage Channels, and Surface Water in Kampala, Uganda During Seasonal Variation, UNC Water Microbiology, May 16, 2017, Chapel Hill, USA
- Uprety, S.R., Hong, P.-Y., Sadik, N., Dangol, B., Adhikari, R., Shisler, J., Degnan, P., Nguyen, T.H., The effect of the 2015 Earthquake on the bacterial community compositions in water in Nepal, 2017 Water Microbiology Conference and the 19th IWA-HRWM Symposium, May 15-18, 2017, North Carolina, USA.
- Dong, S., Guest, J.S., Nguyen, T.H., Human Health Implications of Microplasma Ozonation for Wastewater Reuse, 31st Annual WateReuse Symposium, Tampa, FL., September 11-15, 2016
- Lu R., Li, Q., Nguyen, T.H., Random sequential adsorption of human adenovirus on membrane surface, The 250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, Aug., 2015
- Shen, Y., Espinosa-Marzal, R., Morgenroth, E., Ashbolt, N, J. Liu, W.-T. Nguyen, T. H., Response of simulated drinking water biofilm mechanical and structural properties to long-term disinfectant exposure. WQTC 2015, Salt lake city, UT, Nov 15-20th, 2015
- Shen, Y., Espinosa-Marzal, R., Morgenroth, E., Ashbolt, N, J. Liu, W.-T. Nguyen, T. H., Effect of long-term disinfectant exposure on mechanical and structural properties of biofilms. IWA Biofilm Conference 2015, Arosa, Switzerland, Aug 23 – 26th, 2015
- Romero-Maraccini, O.C., Shisler, J.L.,Thanh H. Nguyen. Aspects of human rotavirus inactivation mechanisms as examined by quantitative PCR: Roles of solar irradiation and temperature, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 10-14, 2014.
- Romero-Maraccini, O.C., Holyoke, L., Rosado-Lausell, S.L., Wang, H., Pugh, C.R., Guest, J.S., Croue, J.P., Thanh H. Nguyen. The benefit of organic matter in wastewater treatment: its role as a disinfectant, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 10-14, 2014.
- Wang, H., Narihiro, T., Straub, A.P., Pugh, C.R., Tamaki, H., Moor, J.F., Bradley, I.M., Liu, W.-T. and Nguyen, T.H. Role of Diverse Microbial Communities in Bacteriophage MS2 Removal in Biosand Filters, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 10-14, 2014
- Liu, Y, Dong, S., Kuhlenschmidt, M.S., Kuhlenschmidt, T.B., Drnevich, J., Nguyen, T.H., Solar inactivation mechanisms of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 10-14, 2014
- Nguyen, T.H., Lu, N., Liu, Y., Pore scaled transport of microorganisms, Keynote presentation, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 10-14, 2014
- Ruiqing Lu, Qi Li, Thanh H. Nguyen (2014). Removal of Human Adenovirus in Wastewater by Membrane Bio-Reactor. The Fourth International Conference on Emerging Contaminants in the Environment. Iowa City.
- Wang, H., Narihiro, T., Straub, A., Pugh, C., Tamaki, H., Moor, J., Bradley, I., Liu, W.-T. and Nguyen, T.H. Role of Diverse Microbial Communities in Bacteriophage MS2 Removal in Biosand Filters, Borchardt Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb. 25 - 26, 2014
Other Publications
- Wobus, C.E. and Nguyen, T.H. (2012) Viruses are everywhere - what do we do? Current Opinion in Virology 2(1), 60-62.
Research Honors
- Fulbright Specialist Award (2025)
- Fulbright ASEAN Scholar Award (2024-2025)
- Advisor to Ed Bower Best PhD Dissertation Award Winner Chamteut Oh (2024)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (2024)
- Selected to participate in National Academy of Science Arab-American Frontiers Symposium (2017)
- University of Illinois College of Engineering Award for Research Excellence (Associate Professor Level) (2016)
- Fulbright Specialty Fellowship to Israel (2016)
- National Institute of Health and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Invitation Fellowship (2015)
- EPA P3 phase 2 honorary mentioned (2014)
- Excellence in Review Award for Environmental Science & Technology (2013)
- University of Illinois College of Engineering Award for Research Excellence (Assistant Professor Level) (2012)
Other Honors
- Excellence in Guiding Undergraduate Research Award (2021)
- Advisor to second best oral paper award for one of my PhD students, Ruiqing Lu, by American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, (2015)
- Advisor to Student Best Paper Award Presented by Yun Shen at Water Quality Technology Conference (2015)
- Certificate of Merit for Best Student Presentation at American Chemistry Society Conference, Division of Environmental Chemistry (2014)
- Engineering Open House - 1st Place in the Real World Category (2014)
- University of Illinois Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering award in undergraduate advising (2012)
- Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition – 2nd Place (advisor) (2010)
- National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges National Summit Student Competition - 1st Place (advisor) (2010)
- Engineering Open House - 1st Place in the Real World Category; Central State Water Environment Association and Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition - 1st Place; National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Midwest Summit Student Poster Competition - 1st Place (advisor). (2010)
- ASCE-EWB Sustainable Development Award (2010)