PhD student Li's research paper selected as Eos Editor's Highlight


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Xinchang "Cathy" Li
Xinchang "Cathy" Li

A research study led by CEE graduate student Xinchang “Cathy” Li (MS 19) and her advisor, professor Lei Zhao, was recently selected as an Eos Editor’s Highlight. Eos is a premiere science news magazine published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and selects less than two percent of papers submitted to AGU journals for this prestigious feature. 

Li’s research article, “Enhancing Urban Climate-Energy Modeling in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Through Explicit Representation of Urban Air-Conditioning Adoption” was published in the AGU Journal JAMES (Journal for Advances in Modeling Earth Systems). The paper addresses research gaps in future urban energy demand projections by developing an explicit air-conditioning (AC) adoption in CESM and a first-of-its-kind global AC adoption rate data set. 

Read the full Editor’s Highlight here.

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This story was published May 20, 2024.