Transfer to CEE

A: Freshman students who are not in The Grainger College of Engineering, who want to transfer to engineering must apply to the Engineering Undeclared Program (EU). More information can be found at

A:  Yes, please visit The Grainger College of Engineering – Changing Majors web page. Complete a portfolio and visit with Becky Stillwell, Academic Advisor ( or 217-333-3812) to discuss your transfer in person and find out how to submit your petition online. 

A:  Yes, we require a 3.3 GPA or better with A's and B's, no C's in the technical coursework.

A: We would like to see MATH 220 or MATH 221, MATH 231, CHEM 102/103, CHEM 104/105, PHYS 211, completed before transfer. We strongly encourage students to complete TAM 211.

A: All transfer petitions are to be submitted by October 1 (spring semester) and March 1 (fall semester).  All petitions are reviewed by The Grainger College of Engineering in 206 Engineering Hall.

A:  Our CEE Undergraduate Handbook is a great document for learning about the curriculum. Another good idea is visit the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs Becky Stillwell. In addition, some students may wish to take CEE195 – About Civil Engineering, a one-credit class offered in fall semesters that addresses all aspects of civil and environmental engineering.

More Questions? 

Becky Stillwell


Becky Stillwell
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs

1102 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab
205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL  61801
(217) 333-3812

Advising Appointments:
To register for an advising appointment with Becky, CEE undergraduates can visit: Advising Calendar