Adrienne Menniti
Process Engineer
CEEAA Young Alumni Achievement Award, 2012
For technical expertise and leadership in the evaluation, modeling and design of wastewater treatment facilities, and for outstanding performance in teaching and training of process principles to wastewater treatment operations personnel.
Adrienne Menniti finished her Ph.D. at Illinois in December 2008 and joined CH2M HILL in Portland, Ore., as a wastewater process engineer. She has performed process designs and evaluations for a variety of wastewater technologies including processes for wet weather treatment and sludge settleability control, integrated fixed film-activated sludge, sludge reduction with the Cannibal® process and the new sludge reduction digestion concept post-aerobic digestion.
Menniti fosters an ongoing interest in sludge reduction technology development. She is working with colleagues at CH2M HILL and Eawag in Zurich, Switzerland, on a project to understand the mechanisms of Cannibal® and post-aerobic digestion and is leading CH2M HILL’s efforts to develop and verify a new mathematical modeling approach for designing these systems. She is a National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Alumna and was the Task Force Vice-Chair of the recently published Water Environment Federation Membrane Bioreactor Manual of Practice.
In her free time, she hikes with her husband, Jeff, and practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.