Gennaro G. Marino

Gennaro G. Marino
Gennaro G. Marino (PhD 85)
Marino Engineering Associates Inc.

CEEAA Distinguished Alumni Award, 2015

For an outstanding career as a recognized expert in geotechnical engineering, particularly in mine subsidence, including backfilling of abandoned mine workings to protect structures; and for his approach in his civil engineering practice to solve technical problems and provide workable designs but also to research the underlying mechanisms of ground/structure behavior, thereby contributing to the civil and mining engineering professions.


Dr. Gennaro (Jerry) Marino is the President of Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. (MEA), a Geotechnical Engineering firm which specializes in geoforensics, geotechnical and mine subsidence engineering in Urbana, Illinois. He has been in practice for 33 years. 

Dr. Marino is widely recognized as an expert in the field of subsidence engineering and is licensed in 23 states. 

In 2011, Dr. Marino received the Central Illinois Civil Engineer of the Year from the ASCE and in 2013, the ASCE Geo-Diplomate Award. He is an Associate Member of the American Bar Association and Chairman of the ABA’s Expert Witness Civil Engineering Subcommittee.

His achievements include founder and chairman of the Geotechnical Engineering Division of ASMR, development of design methodology for softening of mine floors, author of two Earthquake Damage Insurance Claims Courses and a Borehole Logging Course, developer of a TDR system for sinkhole detection and of retrofit methods for foundation damage. 

Dr. Marino has authored over 90 papers, articles and research publications and a textbook on Earthquake Damage. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1985, M.S. from Rutgers University and B.S. from the University of Dayton. Over the years Dr. Marino has hired and mentored numerous University of Illinois engineering students who have gone on to successful careers of their own.