Ilker R. Adiguzel
Director, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CEEAA Distinguished Alumni Award, 2011
For leadership and innovation in directing engineering research and development for sustainable military installations that support the national defense; for a commitment to encouraging and mentoring students who are under-represented in the engineering community; and for fostering collaboration and lasting relationships with academia.
Ilker R. Adiguzel is director of the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, and leads a $150 million research and development program annually with a staff of 350 people. This program creates and fields environmental and infrastructure technologies to support military installations in a sustainable and affordable manner.
Adiguzel was selected to the Senior Executive Service in 2006. He held various management and research positions at CERL,after a Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Adiguzel is a founding member of the Editorial Board for the American Society for Civil EngineersJournal of Infrastructure Systems. He co-chairs the Construction Industry Institute Strategic Planning Committee and is a member of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, and the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). He also serves on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering Innovation Leadership Advisory Board.
His honors include the Department of the Army Meritorious Service Medal; Federal Laboratory Consortium Laboratory Director of the Year; SAME Technology Advancement Medal; U.S. Green Building Council Public Sector Leadership Award; and the Army Engineer Association The Bronze Order of the deFleury Medal.