Kurt A. Keifer
Project Engineer
Dynatest Consulting
CEEAA Young Alumni Achievement Award, 2010
For business development of infrastructure design and analysis approaches, and particularly for the implementation of pavement management systems for roadways, parking lots, and airfield pavements.
Keifer holds B.S. (1997) and M.S. (1999) degrees in structural engineering and a Ph.D. (2006) in transportation engineering, all from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
While earning his doctorate, Keifer helped develop a waterfront facility management system and a method for assessing the condition of pile-supported concrete structures for the U.S. Navy. His career has also included working for Applied Pavement Technology Inc. of Champaign and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In his current position at Dynatest Consulting, he is opening the firm’s new Chicago office and implementing a pavement management system for Cook County.
He has been actively involved in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) since 1993. He is the 2009-10 Chair of the ASCE Illinois Chapter Younger Member Group. He also serves on several technical committees for ASTM, the Transportation Research Board and ASCE.
He and Masha, his wife and also three-time University of Illinois alumni, now reside in the West Loop of Chicago.