Ann Sychterz

 Ann Sychterz
Ann Sychterz
  • Faculty Affiliate, Mechanical Science and Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
(217) 244-6148
2122 Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg

Primary Research Area

  • Structural Engineering

Research Areas

For More Information


Ann Sychterz(SICK-tesh) obtained her PhD in 2018 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) addressing the novel use of control algorithms, statistical diagnostic tools, and real-time feedback on a full-scale tensegrity structure to enable smooth deployability, damage detection, adaptation, and learning. During her masters of applied science obtained in 2014 at the University of Waterloo, she built full-scale aluminum pedestrian bridges for vibration characterization and control. She completed a postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan on actuator optimization of adaptive origami structures. With her team at Sychterz Modular Adaptive Resilient Transformable Infrastructure (SMARTI) lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, they harness geometrically nonlinear systems, such as tensegrity structures and origami, for adaptive civil infrastructure. She is a faculty affiliate with Mechanical Science and Engineering, faculty fellow of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and a faculty affiliate of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology in the Autonomous Materials Systems group.


  • Ph.D, Advisor: Ian F.C. Smith. "Bimimetic Adaptive Control of a Deployable Tensgrity Structure". Civil Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, 2018
  • M.A.Sc, Advisors: Sriram Narasimhan and Scott Walbridge. "Vibration Characterization of Aluminum Pedestrian Bridges". Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2014
  • B.A.Sc, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2012

Academic Positions

  • International Visiting Professor, Cluster of Excellence "Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture", University of Stuttgart, 06/2024 - 08/2024
  • Faculty Affiliate, Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 08/2022 - Present
  • Faculty Fellow, ORMIR, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 08/2021 - 07/2022
  • Levenick Sustainable Teaching Fellow, Institute for Sustainability Energy and Environment, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 02/2021 - 01/2022
  • Faculty Affiliate, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 10/2020 - Present
  • Faculty Fellow, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 07/2020 - Present
  • Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 01/2020 - Present
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Advisor: Evgueni Filipov. Civil Engineering, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 02/2019 - 12/2019

Professional Registrations

  • Licensed Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario, 2024-present

Journal Editorships

  • Guest Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Special Collection "Adaptive and intelligent systems in structural engineering".
  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Built Environment: Structural Sensing, Special Issue “Sensor Systems and Resiliency Diagnostics for Spatial Infrastructure".

Professional Societies

  • Committee member, ASEE Civil Engineering Division, 2023 - present
  • Committee member, ASCE EMI Structural Health Monitoring Committee, 2022- present
  • Committee member, ASCE EMI Dynamics, 2022 - present
  • Vice-Chair, ASCE SEI Younger Members Committee, 2023-2024
  • Chair, ASCE SEI Structural Control and Sensing Technical Committee, 2022-2025
  • Secretary, ASCE SEI Modular, Rapidly-Erectable, and Deployable Structures Technical Committee, 2023-2024
  • Chair, ASCE EMI Experimental Analysis and Instrumentation Technical Committee, 2023-2026
  • Structural Engineers Association of Illinois, Affiliate member, 01/2024 - present.
  • Society of Women Engineers, Member, 2004264, 01/2021- present.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), M.ASCE, 9432728, 09/2012 - present.
  • Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE, M.ASCE, 09/2012 - present.
  • Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) of ASCE, M.ASCE, 01/2019 - present.
  • International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), Member (Working Group 15 Structural Morphology),44814104, 04/2015 - present.

Other Outside Service

  • Reviewer, Engineering Structures
  • Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering
  • Reviewer, Journal of Sound and Vibration

Research Interests

  • Optimized sensor placement for civil structures
  • Structural dynamics
  • Form-finding methods
  • Machine learning and robotics for civil structures
  • Damage mitigation and risk assessment in large-scale structures
  • Adaptive and deployable structures

Research Statement

Research Statement: My research seeks to create new lightweight, adaptive, and deployable structures with innovative control and machine learning techniques to address changing environmental challenges as it applies to structural engineering design, efficiency, and resilience. A structure that can self-identify damage, adapt, and learn for developing infrastructure systems that provide safety and continuous functionality even when subjected to extreme loading conditions. Resiliency and reserve capacity for strength and stiffness in this work will be addressed through changing the shape and stiffness of a structure. The increasing frequency of intense weather and environmental changes from climate change are driving the need for adaptive structural systems.

Primary Research Area

  • Structural Engineering

Research Areas

Selected Articles in Journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • Reksowardojo, A. and Sychterz, A.C. Controlled geometry changes as a strategy for active diagnosis of damage in discrete structures, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Wang, Z. and Sychterz, A.C. An Adaptive Dynamic Relaxation method with First Kinematic Equilibrium: A Study on Error comparison and time efficiency, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Hummad, K. and Sychterz, A.C. Enhancing the Design of Deployable Anchors for Coastal Slope Stabilization Through Dynamic Relaxation, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Paul, S. and Sychterz A.C. Predicting Tensile Behavior of Multi-Layered Randomized Architected Material (MLRAM) using Artificial Intelligence, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Baruah, A.C. and Sychterz A.C. Damage Classification of Deployable Origami Structure Using Supervised Machine Learning, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Capretta, E. and Sychterz, A.C. Experimental Data-Informed Computational Analysis of Installation Processes for Deployable Ground Anchors, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025, Irvine, United States, 2025, 4p.
  • Khan, A., Henschen, J., Sychterz, A.C., and Perry, L. Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Challenging Threshold Concepts in Structural Engineering, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2025, Montreal, Canada, 8p.
  • Rodgers, C., Rahman, A., Sychterz, A.C., and Henschen, J. Case Study: Developing and Implementing VR Technology for Civil Engineering Education, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2025, Montreal, Canada, 8p.
  • Capretta, E., Hummad, K., Rahman, S., Beemer, R., and Sychterz, A.C. Shear Plane Analysis of Deployable Anchors and Insights from X-ray Microtomography, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Nantes, France, 2025, 6p.
  • Capretta, E., Hummad, K., and Sychterz, A.C. Experimental and analytical stability of thick origami panels for deployable anchors to prevent coastal erosion, Proceedings of the Annual Stability Conference, 2025, Louisville USA, 2025, 8p.
  • Baruah, A.C. and Sychterz, A.C. Sensor placement for control of a meter-scale origami structure, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2024, Zurich, 2024 4p.
  • Capretta, E., Hummad, K., and Sychterz, A.C. Analytical and experimental testing for increased shear plane of deployable geosystems for coastal stabilization, Engineering Mechanics Institute conference 2024, Chicago, United States. 8p.
  • Baruah, A.C. and Sychterz, A.C. Optimizing sensor placement for characterization and control of a meter-scale origami pill-bug structure, Engineering Mechanics Institute conference 2024, Chicago, United States. 4p.
  • Paul, S. and Sychterz A.C. Non-linear modelling of multi-layered randomized architected material (MLRAM) under tensile loading for a tensegrity structure, Engineering Mechanics Institute conference 2024, Chicago, United States. 4p.
  • Sychterz, A.C. Stability of a deployable awns on a compliant steel geosystem for nonlinear soil-structure interaction, American Institute for Steel Construction NASCC 2024 Structural Stability Research Council, San Antonio, United States. 8p.
  • Tucker, K. and Sychterz A.C. Comparison of biologically inspired functionally-graded deployable geosystems with experimental measurements, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 2023, 10p.
  • Baruah A.C. and Sychterz A.C. 'Damage detection of cable-actuated origami structure using dynamic relaxation, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022, Baltimore, Maryland. 4p.
  • Paul, S. and Sychterz, A.C. Robustness of Multilayered Random-network Architected Material through Experimental Testing, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 4p.
  • Grendzinski, M. and Sychterz, A.C. Characterization of Torque-Driven Underground Compliant Structures Using Pushover Analysis, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022, Baltimore, Maryland. 4p.
  • Torres, J.A. and Sychterz, A.C. Virtual Reality as a Vehicle for Education in the Domains of Building Systems, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2022, Minneapolis, MN. 8p.
  • Tucker, K and Sychterz, A.C. Analyzing Geosystems with Deployable Compliant Mechanisms for Enhanced Tension Capacity, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Annual Conference 2022, Whistler, British Columbia. 8p.
  • Sychterz, A.C. Adaptive Aluminum Tensegrity Structure as a Bike Parking Canopy, 5th International Conference on Structures & Architecture, Aalborg, 2022, 8p.
  • Paul, S. and Sychterz A.C. A Computational Analysis for an Adaptive Tensegrity-based Four-Module Roof Structure, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering VIRTUAL Conference 2021, 9p.
  • Baruah, A.C. and Sychterz A.C. Pill-bug inspired adaptive origami tuned-mass dampers, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering VIRTUAL Conference 2021, 8p.
  • Gathman, H and Sychterz A.C. Analysis of full-scale plate-based tensegrity structure using dynamic relaxation, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering VIRTUAL Conference 2021, 8p.
  • Paul, S. and Sychterz A.C. Dynamic Characterization of an Adaptive Tensegrity-based Four-Module Roof Structure, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Surrey, UK, 2021, 10p.
  • Baruah, A.C. and Sychterz A.C. Active control of 3D printed pill-bug inspired adaptive origami, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Surrey, UK, 2021, 10p.
  • Gathman, H and Sychterz A.C. Full-scale plate-based tensegrity bike parking canopy, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Surrey, UK, 2021, 10p.
  • Sychterz A.C. and Smith, I.F.C., Path-finding for deployment and midspan connection of a tensegrity structure, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Boston, United States, 2018, 10p.
  • Sychterz, A.C and Smith I.F.C., Dynamic effects of cable rupture in a tensegrity structure, Fourth conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Zürich, Switzerland, 2017, 8p.
  • Sychterz, A.C. and Smith, I.F.C., Towards biomimetic actuation for a deployable structure, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, 9p.
  • Sychterz, A.C. and Smith, I.F.C., Shape control for self-stress following deployment of a tensegrity footbridge, 24th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Krakow, Poland, 2016, 11p.
  • Sychterz, A.C., Dalil Safaei, S., and Smith, I.F.C., Friction modeling of a deployable tensegrity footbridge, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015, 11p.
  • Sychterz, A.C., Narasimhan, S., and Walbridge, S., A study on modal characterization and dynamic analysis of two aluminium pedestrian bridges in Québec, International Aluminium Conference INALCO 2013 Conference Proceedings Montreal, Canada, 2013, 10p.
  • Sychterz A.C., Sadhu, A., Narasimhan, S., and Walbridge, S., Results from Modal Testing of the Daigneault Creek Bridge, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) 2013 General Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Canada, 2013, 10p.

Magazine Articles


  • Outstanding Young Engineer Award, Structural Engineers Association of Illinois (SEAOI) (04/2024)
  • ASCE SEI Future Leaders Award (02/2024)
  • IntCDC International Visiting Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany (06/2024)
  • ASCE SEI Futures Fund Young Professionals Award (01/2023)
  • Early Postdoc.Mobility, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (02/2019)

Teaching Honors

  • ASCE ExCEEd Assistant Mentor (07/2024)
  • ASCE ExCEEd Assistant Mentor (08/2023)
  • ASCE ExcEEd Fellow (07/2022)
  • Levenick Sustainable Teaching Fellowship (01/2021)

Research Honors

  • Canadian Graduate Scholarship, CGS M Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (09/2013)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship Ministry of Advance Education and Skills Development (09/2012)