PhD student Han Wang has won the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) 2024 Student Award. The ISG Student Awards recognize the top papers submitted by students in Pan-America between 2021-2024 for the 2024 GeoAmericas Conference.
The IGS student award was established to disseminate knowledge and to improve communication and understanding of geotextiles, geomembranes and associated technologies among young geotechnical and geoenvironmental student engineers around the world.
Wang received the award for her paper, “Bender Element Sensor Technology to Quantify Local Stiffness Enhancements of Geogrid-stabilized Aggregate Specimens”. She was one of eight student awardees recognized at GeoAmericas 2024.
Wang is a member of the Tutumluer research group in CEE at Illinois, where she is advised by professor Erol Tutumluer.