Yingqi Jia and Zhi Zhao won awards in the student research poster competition held during ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
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Two CEE at Illinois students won awards in the student research poster competition held during the 2022 American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, with more than 2,500 attendees. Only seven prizes were awarded during this event, of which the CEE students took home three.
Ph.D. student Yingqi Jia received two awards for his poster, “Integrating Fracture Nucleation and Propagation Into Optimization: Towards Materials With Enhanced Fracture Properties.” He received the prize for Most Informative Poster in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Student Research Poster Competition, and the runner-up award of the 2022 CONCAM Student Poster Competition on Computational Mechanics. This work was supported by NSF through EAGER Grant CMMI–2127134.
Ph.D. candidate Zhi Zhao won second place in the NSF Student Research Poster Competition for his poster titled “Programming Magneto-Mechanical Responses Into Structures via Topology Optimization.” This work was supported by NSF through CAREER Award CMMI-2047692.
Both students are advised by assistant professor X. Shelly Zhang. For more details about the presented research, visit MISSION Laboratory.