Kontou will lead research to address energy supply issues of deployed vehicles in contested environments


Ria Kontou will d a novel decision support framework for planning and managing adaptive transportation systems for naval logistics.

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Conceptual schematic of the electrified logistics system for naval energy supply
Conceptual schematic of the electrified logistics system for naval energy supply

Assistant Professor Eleftheria (Ria) Kontou will lead research aimed at solving the complex energy supply problem with deployed vehicles in contested environments by developing a novel decision support framework for planning and managing adaptive transportation systems for naval logistics. This work will be funded by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.

Eleftheria Kontou
Eleftheria Kontou

The project is titled, "Adaptive Transportation Management of Naval Logistics for Distributed Energy Supply (ATM-LOG)."

The project will focus on expeditionary and non-tactical use cases and the operations of a multi-modal transportation system composed of aerial, ground, and maritime surface vehicles optimized for naval endurance and reliable energy supply. Kontou’s research group will develop new algorithms that couple strategic management of interoperable vehicle systems for the distribution of naval energy logistics with battery supply, as well as quantitative metrics to measure efficiency, resilience, adaptive capacity, and sustainability associated with the operations of this system under a plethora of environmental scenarios around the littoral zone. This project’s science will aim to augment the Department of Defense's capabilities to meet naval operational endurance priorities by providing decision-making insights into electrified logistics for energy supply. 


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This story was published March 16, 2023.