PhD student wins ACS research paper award


Ph.D. student Quanhui Ye received the C. Ellen Gonter Research Paper Award from the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society.

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Civil and environmental engineering Ph.D. student Quanhui Ye has received the C. Ellen Gonter Research Paper Award from the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

This annual award is presented to graduate students at U.S. and international universities who submit the highest quality research papers. This is the top award given to students by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry.

The research paper associated with the award reports a new type of bio-nano material for selective and efficient separation and recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from waste, which will contribute to achieving the circular economy of REEs. The paper (available here) has been published in Environmental Science & Technology and featured as the cover article.

Ye is advised by associate professor Na Wei.

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This story was published April 10, 2023.