Two CEE at Illinois Ph.D. students receive awards at recent conferences


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CEE Ph.D. student Nathan Shauer was named winner of the 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics student poster competition, in the Computational Fluid Mechanics track. Shauer’s poster was titled: A Three-Dimensional Generalized Finite Element Method for the Simulation of Wave Propagation in Fluid-Filled Fractures. His presentation is available for viewing below. Shauer is advised by professor C. Armando Duarte.

CEE Ph.D. candidate Chien-Yung Tseng was recently awarded the "Best Young Professional Award" at the 9th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH), hosted by the Seoul National University and the Korea Water Resources Association. Tseng’s talk, "A turbulence-based, two-layer model to predict sediment resuspension in vegetated flows," is available for viewing below. His presentation showcases his latest findings working with assistant professor Rafael Tinoco's research group.

CEE Ph.D. researcher Hojung You also presented her research the 9th ISEH.

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This story was published August 2, 2021.