Marcelo H. Garcia
- M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed Chair in Civil Engineering
- Director, Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory
- Professor
Primary Research Area
- Water Resources Engineering and Science
Research Areas
- Energy-Water-Environment Sustainability
- Societal Risk & Hazard Mitigation
- Water Resources Engineering and Science
For More Information
Marcelo Garcia holds the M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed Chair of Civil Engineering and serves as Director of the Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1990. Garcia was a Research Fellow at St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Minnesota, where he completed his graduate studies in Civil Engineering (MS85, PhD89). He completed his undergraduate education in Water Resources Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina. Garcia is an Honorary Professor at his alma mater where he was also the Founding Director of the Centro International de Grandes Rios. He was a visiting Professor at the University of Genoa, Italy, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Professor Garcia teaches courses on Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport, River Morphodynamics, and Sedimentation Hazards. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR) as well as the Manual of Engineering Practice No 110 "Sedimentation Engineering," published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Dr. Garcia has worked with more than one-hundred graduate students, including 42 PhD candidates, 65 M.S. students and several post-doctoral research associates. Four of his doctoral graduate students have received the International Lorenz G. Straub Award for most meritorious PhD dissertation in hydraulics and related fields. His honors include the Arthur Thomas Ippen Award and the M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement award (IAHR). ASCE recognized his research with the Walter Huber Research Prize Prize, Hilgard Hydraulics Prize (twice), Hunter Rouse Award, and the Hans Albert Einstein Award in Sedimentation Engineering. Garcia is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), a Distinguished Member of ASCE, and an Honorary Member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). Internationally, Garcia has chaired the board organizing the River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposia (RCEM), was co-leader for the Sedimentation Studies Task Working Group for the St. Clair River International Great Lakes Commission (Canada-USA) and participated in the International Scientific Committee to reduce the risk of flooding in Florence, Italy. Garcia serves in the Board of Consultants for the Miami Conservancy District (MCD) in Dayton, Ohio, and in several international boards. Since 1997, Garcia has served as Director of the Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory, originally built with a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and funding from the State of Illinois.
- Ph.D. Civil Engineering University of Minnesota, 1989
- M.Sc. Civil Engineering University of Minnesota, 1985
- Ing. Water Resources (salutatorian), Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, 1982.
Academic Positions
- M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed Chair in Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, August 2014-present
- Chester and Helen Siess Endowed Professor of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, 2001 - 2014
- Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, August 2000 – Present
- Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, August 1996 - 2000
- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, January 1990 - May 1996
- Senior Research Fellow, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados del Litoral, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, September-December 2022
- Affiliate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences and Environmental Change , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2006 -
- Affiliate Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, August 2016-
- Faculty Fellow, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, 2012-2014
- Director, Centro Internacional de Estudios de Grandes Rios (CIEGRi), Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, Dec. 2001-2021
- Profesor Titular (DS), Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2008-present
- Visiting Associate Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, July, 1999
- Visiting Associate Professor, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, May-August 2000
- Director, Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, February, 1997-present
- Visiting Associate Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, April 1997 - July 1997
- Visiting Professor, Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, September 1993 - 2008
- Contract Professor, Instituto di Idraulica, University of Genoa, Italy, May 1993 - August 1993
- Research Fellow, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Minnesota, January 1988 - December 1989
- Research Assistant, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Minnesota, September 1983 - December 1987
- Teaching Assistant, Fluid Mechanics Lab., Dept. of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Minnesota, January 1984 - January 1986
- Research Docent, Department of Hydrology, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, April 1982 - December 1983
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Hydrology, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, April 1979 - March 1981
Journal Editorships
- Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, (2014-present)
- Editorial Board, RIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua, IAHR, Madrid, 2015-present
- Editor-in-Chief, ASCE Manual of Practice No 110, Sedimentation Engineering (1999-2008)
- Revista Ingeniería del Agua, Associate Editor, 2005-2010, Spain.
- Corresponding Editor, ASCE Manual of Practice No 74 Sedimentation Engineering, V.A. Vanoni (Original Editor), Classic Edition, (2000-2006)
- International Journal of Infrastructure and Natural Disasters, Assoc. Editor, 2000-2010 (Puerto Rico)
- Hydraulic Eng. in Mexico (Mexican Institute of Water Technology), Assoc. Editor, 1999-2010
- Water Resources Research (American Geophysical Union), Associate Editor, 1999-2000
- International Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Editor-in-Chief, 2001-2006
Professional Societies
- American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fellow
- International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Honorary member
- Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), Fellow
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Distinguished member
Research Interests
- Sedimentation engineering and environmental hydraulics
- Hydraulic structures, air-water hydraulics, cavitation, hydraulic transients, two-phase flows in drop-shafts and tunnels, Roman aqueducts.
- Urban flooding, water infrastructure and excess water management during extreme storm events
- Fluvial hydraulics, sediment transport, channel stability, meandering, bank erosion, movable-bed hydraulic modeling.
- Sedimentation hazards: mud and debris flows, flood sedimentation, alluvial fans, sediment surges.
- Stratified flows, density-turbidity currents, oscillatory boundary-layer flows, salt-wedge dynamics.
- Transport and fate of oil spills in rivers . Mechanics of oil-sediment aggregation, role of turbulence. Control methods.
- River naturalization, flow-vegetation interaction, reservoir sedimentation, turbidity currents.
Primary Research Area
- Water Resources Engineering and Science
Research Areas
Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)
- Galloway, G., G. Seminara, G. Blöschl, M. H. Garcia, A. Montanari, andL. Solari. 2017. Saving a world treasure: Protecting Florence fromflooding. Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
- García, M.H. (Editor-in-Chief), Manuals and Reports of Engineering Practice 110, “Sedimentation Engineering: Processes, Measurements, Modeling, Practice,” Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2008, 1150p.
- García, M.H., Environmental Hydrodynamics, Publications Center, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Sante Fe, Argentina, 189 pp., 1996 (in Spanish).
Books Edited or Co-Edited (Original Editions)
- Muste,M.,Lyn, D., Admiraal, D., Ettema, R., Nikora, V. and M.H. Garcia (editors), Hydraulics: Volume I, FundamentExperimental al and Methods, New York, NY., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, p. 570, 2017.
- Constantinescu, G., Garcia, M.H., and D. Hanes (Editors), River Flow 2016, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, St Louis, USA, July 2016.
- Vionnet, C., M.H.Garcia, E. Latrubesse, and G. Perillo, “River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics,vols. I & II,” Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Santa Fe, Argentina, September 2010.
- García, M.H. (Editor-in-Chief), Manuals and Reports of Engineering Practice 110, “Sedimentation Engineering: Processes, Measurements, Modeling, Practice,” Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2008, 1150p.
- Parker, G. and M.H. Garcia, (Editors), “River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics,vols. I & II,” Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Urbana, Illinois, October 2005.
Books Edited or Co-Edited (Revisions)
Chapters in Books
- García, M.H., “Turbidity Currents” in Encyclopedia of Earth System Science, ed. by W.A. Nieremberg, Academic Press Inc., 4:399-408, 1992.
- García, M.H., Y. Niño, and F. López, “Laboratory Observations of Particle Entrainment Into Suspension by Turbulent Bursting” Chapter 3 in Coherent Flow Structures in Open Channels: Origins Scales, and Interaction with Sediment Transport and Bed Morphology, edited by P. Ashworth, S. Bennetts, J. Best, and S. McLelland, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 63-86, 1996.
- García, M.H., “Turbidity Current”, in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 18:680, 1997.
- García, M.H., “Sedimentation and Erosion Hydraulics,” Chapter 6 in Hydraulic Design Handbook, edited by Larry Mays,McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1999.
- Danny Reible, Sam Bentley, Mimi B. Dannel, Joseph V. DePinto, James A. Dyer, Kevin J. Farley, Marcelo H. Garcia, David Glaser, John M. Hamrick, Richard H. Jensen, Wilbert J. Lick, Robert A. Pastorok,Richard F. Schwer, C. Kirk Ziegler (2003). Chapter 2 "The Role of Modeling in Managing Contaminated Sediments," in Contaminated Ground Water and Sediment Modeling for Management and Remediation Edited by Chunmiao Zheng , Danny D. Reible , George F. Pinder , Calvin C. Chien , Brent E. Sleep and Miguel A. Medina, CRC Press, Print ISBN: 978-1-56670-667-4, eBook ISBN: 978-0-203-49415-8, DOI: 10.1201/9780203494158.ch2.
- Garcia, M.H., “Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics,” Chapter 2 in ASCE Sedimentation Engineering Manual of Practice 110, Edited by Marcelo H. Garcia, 2008.
- Garcia, M.H., MacArthur, R. Bradley, J., and R. French, “Sedimentation Hazards,” Chapter 19 in ASCE Sedimentation Engineering Manual of Practice 110, Edited by Marcelo H. Garcia, 2008.
- Admiraal, D., and M.H. Garcia, “Environmental Impact of Navigation,” Article in Rivers and Streams Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO, 2002.
- Garcia, M.H., “Modeling Sediment Entrainment into Suspension, Transport, and Deposition in Rivers,” Chapter in “Model Validation in Hydrologic Science,” Paul Bates and Malcolm Anderson (Editors), Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom, 2001.
- Fedele, J., and M.H. Garcia, “Hydraulic Roughness in Alluvial Streams: A Boundary Layer Approach,” Chapter in Riverine, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, G. Seminara (Editor) Springer-Verlag, Italy, 2001.
- Garcia, M.H., Lopez, F., Dunn, C. and C. Alonso, “Flow Turbulence and Resistance in a Flume with Simulated Vegetation,” Chapter 5 in “Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology,” American Geophysical Union, Water Science and Publication, pp. 11-27, Washington, D.C., 2004.
- Parsons, J.D., Friedrichs, C. T., Mohrig, D., Traykovski, P., Imran, J., Syvitski, J. P. M., Parker, G., Puig, P., Buttles, J. and Garcia, M. H., (2007), The mechanics of marine sediment gravity flows, Continental Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy, in IAS Special Publication 37, Editors: C.A. Nittrouer, Austin, J.A., Jr., Field, M.E., Kravitz, J.H., Syvitski, J.P.M., Wiberg, P.L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Oxford
- Syvitski, J.P.M., L. Pratson, P. Wiberg, M. Steckler, M. Garcia, R. Geyer, C. Harris, E. Hutton, J. Imran, H. Lee, M. Morehead, and G. Parker. 2007. Prediction of Margin Stratigraphy. Chapter IX of Continental-Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy, C. Nittrouer, et al. (eds), Blackwell Press
- Admiraal, A. and M.H. Garcia, Chapter on “Sediment Transport Measurements,” in Encyclopedia of Experimental Fluid Mechanics,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
- Rhoads, B.L., Garcia, M.H., Rodriguez, J.F., Abad, J.D., Bombardelli, F.A., Daniels, M., 2005. Evaluating the geomorphological performance of naturalized rivers. In: Sears, D., Darby, S. (Eds.). Uncertainty in River Restoration, 44pp.
- León A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and García M. H. (2006). ``An Efficient Finite-volume scheme for modeling two-phase flows using the single-equivalent fluid approximation.'' Chapter in Computational Hydraulics Monograph 15, ed. by: E. McBean, R. Pitt, K. Irvine, and W. James, CHI, Ontario, Canada
- León, A. S., Oberg N., Schmidt, A. R., and García, M. H. (2011). “The Illinois Transient Model. A state-of-the-art model for simulating the flow dynamics in combined storm-sewer systems”. Urban Water Systems, Monograph 19.
- Arndt, R.E.A., Kawakami, D., Wosnik, M., Perlin, M., Duncan, J.H., Admiraal, D.M., and M.H. Garcia, Chapter 15 "Hydraulics" in Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Springer-Berlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 959-1033, 2007.
- Ashmore, P. and Garcia, M. (2009) 'St. Clair River Sediment Regime' in Impacts on Upper Great Lakes Water Levels: St. Clair River Final Report (International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS), International Joint Commission) 4, 57-84
- Martin, J.E., Sun, T., and M.H. Garcia, Chapter 18: Optical Methods in the Laboratory: an application to density currents over bedforms, Environmental Fluid Mechanics: memorial Volume in Honour of Prof. Gerhard H. Jirka, W. Rodi and M Uhlman (Editors), IAHR Monograph, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 333-346, 2012.
- Martin, J.E., Carr, M., M.H. Garcia, Transport and Mixing in Rivers, in Handbook of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, H/J.S. Fernando (Editor), Taylor and Francis, 2012.
- Garcia, M.H. "Ven Te Chow; Hydrologist, Educator, Rainmaker," Chapter in CHANGING THE WORLD FROM A VERY SMALL PLACE, Fred Hoxie (Editor), University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 2016.
- Garcia M.H., Fytanidis D.K., (2017), Flows in vegetated channels In: Experimental Hydraulics: Methods, Instrumentation, Data Processing and Management Volume I: Fundamentals and Methods, Chapter 2. Hydraulic flows: Overview, edited by M. Muste, D.A. Lyn, D. Admiraal, R. Ettema, V. Nikora, M.H. García, IAHR Monographs, ISBN 9780367573355, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY.
- Garcia, M.H (2017). Mobile Boundary Channels and Sediment Transport, In: Muste, Lyn, Admiraal, Ettema, Nikora, Garcia (editors), Experimental Hydraulics: Volume I, Fundamental and Methods, New York, NY., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, p. 570
- García, M.H., “Environmental Hydrodynamics,” Latin American Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Santiago, Chile, p. 189, 1994 (in Spanish).
- Jerry Shubel (Chair) et al., A process for setting, managing, and monitoring environmental windows for dredging projects / Committee for Environmental Windows for Dredging Projects.(Transportation Research Board Special report ; 262)ISBN 0-3-9-07244-1, National Academies Press, Washington D.D., 2001
- Siegel, D.L., Bradley Jr., A.A., Conklin, M.H., Crawford, C.S., Galloway, G.E, Garcia, M.H., Howit, R.E., Palmer, M.A., Pitlick, J., Poff, LN.L., Schwartz, S.S., Tarboton, D.G. Woessner, A.W., River Science at the U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Council, National Academies, 2007
- Garcia, M. H., and Zech, Y., eds. (2007). “Dam-break flow experiments and real-case data: A database from the European IMPACT Research Program.” Journal of Hydraulic Research 45, Special issue.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Rojas-Aguirre, A. and M.H. Garcia, (2025). Spatiotemporal evolution of mine tailings released in sand-bed rivers, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR,
- Rojas-Aguirre, A. and M.H. Garcia, (2024). Experiments on Entrainment of Tailings into Suspension in an Annular Flume, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE,
- Chen, C.‐Y., Fytanidis, D. K., & Garcia, M. H. (2024). A unifying model for turbulent hyporheic mass flux under a wide range of near‐bed hydrodynamic conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL105807.
- Parker, G., An, C., Lamb, M. P., Garcia, M. H., Dingle, E. H., and Venditti, J. G. (2023): Dimensionless argument: a narrow grain size range near 2 mm plays a special role in river sediment transport and morphodynamics, EGUsphere,
- Abad, J.D., D. Motta, L. Guerrero, M. Paredes, J. M. Kuroiwa, M. H. Garcia (2023), Hydrogeomorphology of Asymmetric Meandering Channels: Experiments and Field Evidence, Water Resources Research,
- Dominguez, L.G., Szupiany, R.N., Ramonell, C., Ru, M., and Garcia, M.H., (2023), Hydro-geomorphological and sedimentological processes along the major fluvial-lacustrine delta of the Paraná River (Argentina): Their role in floodplain construction, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. 2023;1–16, DOI: 10.1002/esp.5570
- Sivaguru, M., Fouke, K.W., Keenan-Jones, D., Motta, D., Garcia, M.H., and Fouke, B.W. (2022), Depositional and diagenetic history of travertine deposited within the Anio Novus aqueduct of ancient Rome, in Koeberl, C., Claeys, P., and Montanari, A., eds., From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from Mediterranean Microplates to the Mexican Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez: Geological Society of America Special Paper 557, p. 1–XXX, https://doi .org/10.1130/2022.2557(26)
- Waterman, D.M. and Garcia, MH. (2022). Steady-State Parallel Retreat Migration in River Bends with Non-cohesive (Composite) Banks, Water Resources Research,
- Li Y, Zhu Z, Soong DT, Khorasani H, Wang S, Fitzpatrick F and Garcia MH (2022) FluOil: A Novel Tool for Modeling the Transport of Oil-Particle Aggregates in Inland Waterways. Frontiers in Water 3:771764. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2021.771764 doi: 10.3389/frwa.2021.771764
- Keenan-Jones, D.C., Motta, D., Garcia, M.H., Sivaguru, M., Perillo, M., Shosted, R.K., and Fouke, B.W., 2022. Travertine crystal growth ripples record the hydraulic history of ancient Rome’s Anio Novus aqueduct: Scientific Reports 12, 1239,
- Latosinski, F.G., Amsler, M.L., Vionnet, C.A., Heredia Ligorria, A.I., Szupiany, R.N., Diaz Lozada, J.M., García, C.M., & M.H. García (2022): The role of dunes in flow resistance in a large and a small river. The case of the Paraná and Tercero rivers, Argentina, Journal of Hydraulic Research, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2021.2001588.
- Luo, H., Oberg, N., Landry, B.J, and Garcia, M.H. (2021). Assessing the system performance of an evolving and integrated urban drainage system to control combined sewer overflows using a multiple-layer based coupled modeling approach, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 603, Part C, December,
- Fytanidis, D. K., García, M. H. and Fischer P (2021). Mean flow structure and velocity–bed shear stress maxima phase difference in smooth wall, transitionally turbulent oscillatory boundary layers: direct numerical simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 928, A33.
- Chang, K. H., Chang, T. J., & Garcia, M. H. (2021). A well-balanced and positivity-preserving SPH method for shallow water flows in open channels. Journal of Hydraulic Research, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1866689
- Wang, D., Li, Z., Rojas-Aguirre, A.F., and Garcia, M.H. (2021) Impact of Lake Michigan water level rise on complex bidirectional flow in the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS), Journal of Great Lakes Research,
- Mier, J. M., Fytanidis, D. K., & García, M. H. (2021). Mean flow structure and velocity–bed shear stress maxima phase difference in smooth wall, transitionally turbulent oscillatory boundary layers: experimental observations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922, A29.
- Li, Z., & Garc�a, M. H. (2021). pyRiverBed: A Python framework to generate synthetic riverbed topography for constant-width meandering rivers. Computers & Geosciences, 152, 104755.
- Chen, C. Y., Fytanidis, D. K., & García, M. H. (2021). Entrainment, Transport, and Fate of Sediments during Storm Events in Urban Canals and Rivers: Case Study on Bubbly Creek, Chicago. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147(8), 05021005,
- Auth, T. L., Wackerman, G. E., Garcia, M. H., & Stillwell, A. S. (2021). Low-head hydropower as a reserve power source: A case study of Northeastern Illinois. Renewable Energy, 175, 980-989.
- Rowley, T., Konsoer, K., Langendoen, E.J., Li, Z., Ursic, M., and M.H. Garcia (2021). Relationship of point bar morphology to channel curvature and planform evolution, Geomorphology, vol. 135,
- Fernandez, R., Vitale, A., Parker, G, Garcia, M.H. (2020) Hydraulic resistance in mixed bedrock-alluvial meandering channels. Journal of Hydraulic Research. doi:10.1080/00221686.2020.1780489
- Galloway, G., Seminara, G., Bloschl, G., Garcia, M.H., Montanari, A., and L. Solari (2020). Reducing the Flood Risk of Art Cities: the case of Florence, Journal of Hydr. Engineering, ASCE,
- Waterman, D.M., and M.H.Garcia (2019). Nonlinear Bedload Transport Trajectory Angle Expressed in a Traditional Form: Derivation and Application, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) HY.1943-7900.0001619.
- Luo, H., Fytanidis, D. K., Schmidt, A. R., and Garcia, M. H. (2018) “Numerical investigations on hydrodynamics and three-dimensional flow structures of combining steady and unsteady flow in open channel junctions," Advances in Water Resources, 117:120-139 Resour., 117 , 120–139.
- Wu, H., Zuniga Zamalloa, C. C., Landry, B. J., & Garcia, M. H. (2019). Experimental comparison of initiation of motion for submerged objects resting on fixed permeable and impermeable beds. Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review Fluids, 4(1), 013802
- Z. Zhu*, J. LeRoy, B. Rhoads, and M. García (2018) “HydroSedFoam: A New Parallelized Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic, Sediment Transport, and Bed Morphology Model”. Computers & Geosciences, 120(11): 32-39.
- Dutta, S. and M.H. Garcia (2018). "Non-linear Distribution of Sediment at River Diversions: A brief history of the Bulle-Effect and its Implications," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 60th Anniversary Contribution , DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001449
- Jones, L. and M.H. Garcia, (2018), Development of a rapid response riverine oil-particle aggregate (OPA) formation, transport, and fate model: Journal of Environment Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering, 144(12): 04018125.
- Fernandez, R., Garcia, M.H. and Parker, G. (2018) "Upper Mississippi River Flow and Sediment Characteristics and Their Effect on a Harbor Siltation Case, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 144(10): 04018066
- Zhu, Z., Waterman, D., and Garcia, M. (2018). “Modeling the transport of oil-particle aggregates resulting from an oil spill in a freshwater environment”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
- Fernandez, R. and M.H. Garcia, (2017). Input variable sensitivity assessment for sediment transport relations, Water Resources Research, AGU, 53, 8105–8119, doi:10.1002/2016WR020249
- Konsoer et al. (2017). Length scales and statistical characteristics of outer bank roughness for large elongate meander bends: the influence of bank material properties, floodplain vegetation and flow inundation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
- Dutta, S., Wang, D., Tassi, P., and M.H. Garcia (2017). Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of the Bulle-Effect: the non-linear distribution of near-bed sediment at fluvial diversions, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 42, 14, 2322-2337, Wiley
- Bayat, E., Rodríguez, J.F., Saco, P., de Almeida, G.F.M., Vahidi, E., and M.H. Garcia (2017). A tale of two riffles: using multidimensional, multifractional, time-varying sediment transport to assess self-maintenance in pool-riffle sequences, Water Resources Research,
- Zhu, Z., Viviana Morales & Marcelo H. Garcia (2017): Impact of combined sewer overflow on urban river hydrodynamic modelling: a case study of the Chicago waterway, Urban Water Journal,
- Carling, P.A., Perillo, M., Best, J.L., and M.H. Garcia (2017), The bubble bursts for cavitation in natural rivers: laboratory experiments reveal minor role in bedrock erosion, Earth, Surface and Land Processes, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4101.
- Motta, D., Keenan-Jones, D., Garcia, M.H. and B.W. Fouke (2017). Hydraulic Evaluation of the Design and Operation of Ancient Rome’s Anio Novus Aqueduct, Archeometry, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12303
- Oberg, N., Schmidt, A.R., Landry, B.J., Leona, A., Waratuke, A.R., Mier, J.M. and M. H. García (2017). Improved understanding of combined sewer systems using the Illinois conveyance analysis program (ICAP), URBAN WATER JOURNAL,
- Quijano, J.C. , Zhu,Z. Morales, V., Landry, B., and M. H. Garcia (2017). Three-dimensional model to capture the fate and transport of combined sewer overflow discharges: A case study in the Chicago Area Waterway System, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 576, 15 January 2017, Pages 362–373,
- Morales, V. M., J. C. Quijano, A. Schmidt, and M. H. Garcia (2016), Innovative framework to simulate the fate and transport of nonconservative constituents in urban combined sewer catchments, Water Resour. Res.,52, doi:10.1002/2016WR018807.
- Konsoer, K. M., Rhoads, B. L., Best, J. L., Langendoen, E. J., Abad, J. D., Parsons, D. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2016), Three-dimensional flow structure and bed morphology in large elongate meander loops with different outer bank roughness characteristics. Water Resour. Res. doi:10.1002/2016WR019040
- Cataño-Lopera, Y., Landry, B.J. and García, M.H. (2016). Unstable Flow Structure around Partially Buried Objects on a Simulated River Bed, Journal of Hydroinformatics, International Water Association, doi: 10.2166/hydro.2016.060
- Zhu, Z.; Motta, D., Jackson, P.R., and M.H. Garcia (2016). Numerical modeling of simultaneous tracer release and piscicide treatment for invasive species control in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago, Illinois, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s10652-016-9464-1
- Mujal-Colilles, A., Christensen, K., Bateman, A. and M.H. Garcia (2016) Coherent structures in oscillatory flows within the laminar-to-turbulent transition regime for smooth and rough walls, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, in press DOI 10.1080/00221686.2016.1174960
- Moller, N., Kim, H., Neary, V.S., Garcia, M.H., Chamorro, L.P. (2016). On the near-wall effects induced by an axial-flow rotor, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy 91 (2016) 524e530
- Garcia, T., Zuniga Zamalloa, C., Jackson, P.R., Murphy, E.A. and M. H. Garcia (2015) A Laboratory Investigation of the Suspension, Transport, and Settling of Silver Carp Eggs Using Synthetic Surrogates, PLOS ONE 10(12):e0145775 · December 2015· DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145775.
- Waterman, D.M., Liu, X., Motta, D. and M.H. Garcia (2016). Analytical Lagrangian Model of Sediment Oxygen Demand and Reaeration Flux Co-Evolution in Streams, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/18 (ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001095.
- Quijano, J.C., Jackson, P.R., Santacruz, S., Morales, V.M., and M.H. Garcia (2015). Implications of Climate Change on the Heat Budget of Lentic Systems Used for Power Station Cooling: Case Study Clinton Lake, Illinois, USA, Environmental Science and Technology, Environ. Sci. Technol., Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04094, Publication Date (Web): November 10, 2015
- Zhu, Z.,Oberg, N., Morales, V., Quijano, J.C., Landry, B.J. and M.H. Garcia. Integrated urban hydrologic and hydraulic modelling in Chicago, Illinois, Environmental Modeling and Software, Elsevier,2016, 77(3): 63-70.
- Konsoer, K., Rhoads, K., Best, J. L., Langendoend, E., Ursic, M., Abad, J. D., Garcia, M. H., Spatial variability in bank resistance to erosion on a large meandering, mixed bedrock-alluvial river,Geomorphology (2015),
- Morales, V., Mier, J.M., M.H. Garcia (2015). Innovative modeling framework for combined sewer overflows prediction, Journal of Urban Water Research, Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2015.1057183
- Duncan Keenan-Jones; Davide Motta; Marcelo H Garcia; Bruce W Fouke (2015). "Travertine-Based Estimates of the Amount of Water Supplied by Ancient Rome's Anio Novus Aqueduct," Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3, 1–10.
- Garcia, T., Murphy, E.A., Jackson, P.R. and M. H. Garcia (2015). Application of the FluEgg model to predict transport of Asian carp eggs in the Saint Joseph River (Great Lakes tributary), Journal of Great Lakes Research, DOI:10.1016/j.jglr.2015.02.003
- Perillo,M.M.,Best,J.L.,Garcia, M.H. (2014). "A New Phase Diagram for Combined-Flow Bedforms," Journal of Sedimentary Research, April 2014, v. 84, p. 301-313, published online April 29, doi:10.2110/jsr.2014.25
- Perillo, M. M., Yokokawa, M., Sekiguchi, T., Takagawa, T., & Garcia, M. H. (2014). A unified model for bedform development and equilibrium under unidirectional, oscillatory and combined‐flows. Sedimentology.61(7). DOI: 10.1111/sed.12129
- Perillo, M. M., Prokocki, E. W., Best, J. L., & García, M. H. (2014). Bedform genesis from bed defects under unidirectional, oscillatory, and combined flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.119(12). DOI: 10.1002/2014JF003167
- Dutta, S., Cantero, M. I., and Garcia, M. H.: Effect of self-stratification on sediment diffusivity in channel flows and boundary layers: a study using direct numerical simulations, Earth Surf. Dynam., 2, 419-431, doi:10.5194/esurf-2-419-2014, 2014.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y., Tokyay, T., Martin, J., Schmidt, A., Lanyon, R., Fitzpatrick, K., Scalise, C., and García, M. (2014). ”Modeling of a Transient Event in the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan System in Chicago, Illinois.” J. Hydraul. Eng., 140(9), 05014005.
- Goodwell,A.E., Zhu,Z., Dutta,D., Greenberg, J.A., Kumar, P., Garcia, M.H.; Rhoads,B.L.; Holmes, R.R., Parker, G., Berretta,D.P., Jacobson, R.B.,(2014). "Assessment of floodplain vulnerability during extreme Mississippi River flood 2011," Environmental Science and Technology, 48: 2619 - 2625
- Dutta, S., Tokyay, T.E.,Cataño-Lopera, Y., Serafino, S., and M.H. Garcia (2014). Case Study: Application of CFD Modeling to improve flow and grit transport in Terrence J. O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant, Chicago, Illinois," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, pages 759-774, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2014.949883
- Nania, L., Leon, A. and M.H.Garcia (2014)."A Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulic for Simulating Dual Drainage in Urban Areas: Application to a catchment in the Metropolitan Area of Chicago, IL," Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE,10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001080 , 04014071.
- Motta, D., E. J. Langendoen, J. D. Abad, and M. H. García (2014). "Modification of meander migration by bank failures," J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 119, 1026–1042, doi:10.1002/2013JF002952.
- Tokyay, T., and M.H. Garcia (2014). "Effect of initial excess density and discharge on constant flux gravity currents propagating on a slope," Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Volume 14, Issue 2 , pp 409-429
- Garcia, T., Jackson, P.R., Murphy, E., Valocchi, A. and M.H.Garcia (2013). "Development of a Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator to evaluate the transport and dispersion of Asian carp eggs in rivers," Ecological Modeling, Volume 263, 10, 211–222.
- Mujal-Colilles, A.,Mier, J.M., Christensen, K., Bateman, A. and M.H. Garcia (2013. "PIV experiments in rough-wall, laminar-to-turbulent, oscillatory boundary-layer flows," Experiments in Fluids, November 2013, 55:1633, doi 10.1007/s00348-013-1633-0
- Dai, H.S., Fernandez, R.L., Parker, P., Garcia, M.H. and W.S.Kim (2013), "Modelling deltaic progradation constrained by a moving sediment source," Journal of Hydraulic Research 04/2013; DOI:10.1080/00221686.2012.762554
- Abad, J. D., Frias, C., Buscaglia, G., Garcia, M. (2013). “Modulation of the flow structure by progressive bedforms in the Kinoshita Meandering channel”, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38: 1612–1622.
- Rodriguez JF, Garcia CM, Garcia MH, 'Three-dimensional flow in centered pool-riffle sequences', Water Resources Research, 49 202-215 (2013) [C1]
- Motta, D., Abad, J.D., Langendoen, E., and M.H. Garcia (2012). The effects of floodplain soil heterogeneity on meander planform shape, Water Resources Research, AGU, DOI:10.1029.
- Pedocchi, F. and M.H. Garcia (2012). "Acoustic measurement of suspended sediment concentration profiles in an oscillatory boundary layer," Continental Shelf Research, Volume 46, 1 September 2012, Pages 87–95.
- Altinakar, M., Ettema, R., Garcia, M.H., Melville, B.W., Nikora, V., and G. Parker. Stephen Edward Coleman (1966–2012), Acta Geophysica, 12/2012; 60(6). DOI: 10.2478/s11600-012-0073-1
- Motta, D., Abad, J.D., Langendoen, E., and M.H. Garcia (2012). A simplified 2D model for meander migration with physically-based bank evolution, Geomorphology 163–164, 10–25. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.036
- Sinha, S., X. Liu and M.H. Garcia, "A Three-dimensional water quality modeling of the Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS)",Environmental Modeling & Assessment,18:567-592
- Cataño -Lopera, Y.A., Landry, B.J., Abad, J.D., and García (2012), M.H. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Flow Structure around two partially Buried Objects on a Deformed Bed, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139 (3): 269-283.
- Landry, B.J., Hancock, M.J., Mei, C.C., and García, M.H. (2012) WaveAR: A software tool for calculating parameters for water waves with incident and reflected components, Journal of Computers and Geosciences. doi/10.1016/j.cageo.2012.04.001
- X. Liu, G. Parker, J. Czuba, K. Oberg, J.M. Mier, J.L. Best, D.R. Parsons, P. Ashmore, and M.H. Garcia (2011). Sediment Mobility and Bed Armoring in the St. Clair River: Insights from Hydrodynamic Modeling. Earth Surface Processes and Landform, 37(9):957-970
- Sinha, S., X. Liu and M.H. Garcia, "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the Chicago River, IL", Environmental Fluid Mechanics Vol 1, 2012, 471-494
- Mier, Jose M.; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2011) "Erosion of glacial till from the St. Clair River Great Lakes basin." Journal of Great Lakes Resarch, 37(3), 399-410.
- Abad, J., Sequeiros, O. E., Spinewine, B., Cantelli, A., Pirmez, C., Garcia, M. H. and Parker, G. 2011. Secondary current of saline underflow in a highly meandering channel. experiments and theory. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2011.61
- Czuba, Jonathan A.; Best, James L.; Oberg, Kevin A.; Parsons, Daniel R.; Jackson, P. Ryan; Garcia, Marcelo H.; Ashmore, P. (2011) "Bed morphology, flow structure, and sediment transport at the outlet of Lake Huron and in the upper St. Clair River." Journal of Great Lakes Resarch, 37(3), 480-493. Recognized with the IAGLR Chandler-Misener Award for most notable paper published in Journal of Great Lakes Research in 2011.
- Waterman, David M.; Waratuke, Andrew R.; Motta, Davide; Catano-Lopera, Yovanni A.; Zhang, Heng; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2011) "In Situ Characterization of Resuspended-Sediment Oxygen Demand in Bubbly Creek, Chicago, Illinois." Journal of Environmental Engineering - ASCE, 137(8), 717-730.
- Catano-Lopera, Yovanni A.; Landry, Blake J.; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2011) "Scour and burial mechanics of conical frustums on a sandy bed under combined flow conditions." Ocean Engineering, 38(10), 1256-1268.
- Liu, Xiaofeng; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2011) "Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for the Design of Large Primary Settling Tanks." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 137(3), 343-355
- Pedocchi, Francisco; Cantero, Mariano I.; Garcia, Marcelo H.(2011) "Turbulent kinetic energy balance of an oscillatory boundary layer in the transition to the fully turbulent regime." Journal of Turbulence, 12(32), 1-27.
- Fernandez, Rocio; Cauchon-Voyer, Genevieve; Locat, Jacques; Dai, Hsi-Heng; Garcia, Marcelo H.; Parker, G. (2011) "Co-evolving delta faces under the condition of a moving sediment source."Journal of Hydraulic Research, 49(1), 42-54.
- Sequeiros, Octavio E.; Spinewine, Benoit; Beaubouef, Rick T.; Sun, Tao; Garcia, Marcelo H.; Parker, G. (2010) "Bedload transport and bed resistance associated with density and turbidity currents." Sedimentology, 57(6), 1463-1490.
- Leon, Arturo S.; Liu, Xiaofeng; Ghidaoui, Mohamed S.; Schmidt, Arthur R.; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2010) "Junction and Drop-Shaft Boundary Conditions for Modeling Free-Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Free-Surface Pressurized Transient Flows." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 136(10), 705-715.
- Motta, Davide; Abad, Jorge D.; Garcia, Marcelo H.(2010) "Modeling Framework for Organic Sediment Resuspension and Oxygen Demand: Case of Bubbly Creek in Chicago." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 136(9), 952-964. Recognized with the ASCE 2012 Wesley Horner Award for best publication.
- Dai, Albert; Garcia, Marcelo H.(2010) "Energy Dissipative Plunging Flows." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE,136(8), 519-523.
- Catano-Lopera, Yovanni A.; Waratuke, Andrew R.; Garcia, Marcelo H.. (2010) "Experimental Investigation of a Vortex-Flow Restrictor: Rain-Blocker Performance Tests." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 136(8) 528-533.
- Sequeiros, Octavio E.; Spinewine, Benoit; Beaubouef, Rick T.; Sun, Tao; Garcia, Marcelo H.; Parker, G. (2010) "Characteristics of Velocity and Excess Density Profiles of Saline Underflows and Turbidity Currents Flowing over a Mobile Bed." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering - ASCE, 136(7), 412-433.
- Dai, Albert; Garcia, Marcelo H. (2010)"Gravity currents down a slope in deceleration phase." Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 49(1), 75-82.
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia (2010) "Analysis of Plunging Flow Phenomena," Journal of Hydraulic Research, (5):638-642, DOI 10.3826/jhr.2009.3498
- León, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2010) “A robust two-equation model for transient mixed flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48(1), 44-56.
- León, A. S., Liu, X., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garcia, M. H. (2010) “Junction and drop-shaft boundary conditions for modeling free-surface, pressurized, and mixed free-surface pressurized transient flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136(10), 705-715.
- Pedocchi, F.; Garcia, M. H.(2009)"Ripple morphology under oscillatory flow: 2. Experiments." Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, VOL. 114, C12015, 17 PP.,doi:10.1029/2009JC005356
- Pedocchi, F.; Garcia, M. H.(2009)"Ripple morphology under oscillatory flow: 1. Prediction." Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, VOL. 114, C12014, 16 PP.,doi:10.1029/2009JC005354
- León, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2009) “Application of Godunov-type schemes to transient mixed flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47(2), 147-156.
- Abad, J. D., and M Garcia, M. H. (2009) “Experiments in a high-amplitude Kinoshita meandering channel: 2. Implications of bend orientation on bed morphodynamics”, Water Resources. Research, 45, W02402, doi:10.1029/2008WR007017.
- Abad, J. D., and Garcia, M. H. (2009) “Experiments in a high-amplitude Kinoshita meandering channel: 1. Implications of bend orientation on mean and turbulent flow structure”, Water Resources Research, 45, W02401,doi:10.1029/2008WR007016.
- Catano, Y., Abad, J. D. and Garcia, M. H. (2009) “Characterization of bedform morphology using wavelet analysis,” Ocean Engineering, 36, 617-632.
- Martin, J. E. and Garcia, M. H. (2009). Combined PIV/PLIF measurements of a steady density current front. Exp. Fluids, 46:265 – 276.
- Sequeiros, O. E., Cantelli, A., Viparelli, E., White, J D L., Garcia, M. H. and Parker, G. 2009. Modeling turbidity currents with non-uniform sediment and reverse buoyancy. Water Resources Research, 45, W06408, 28 p.
- Spinewine, B., Sequeiros, O. E., Garcia, M. H., Beaubouef, R. T., Sun, T., Savoye, B. and Parker, G. 2009. Experiments on wedge-shaped deep sea sedimentary deposits in minibasins and/or on channel levees emplaced by turbidity currents. Part II. Morphodynamic evolution of the wedge and of the associated bedforms Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79(7-8), 608-628.
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia, 2009. "Plunging conditions of two-dimensional negative buoyant surface jets released on a sloping bottom," Journal of Hydraulic Research 47(5):681-682, DOI10.1080/jhr.2008.2714a
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia, "Buoyancy-Driven Flow in a Two-Story Compartment," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 135, No. 7, July 1, 2009. ASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/ 2009/7-738–742
- Sequeiros, O. E., Naruse, H., Endo, N., Garcia, M. H. and Parker, G. 2009. Experimental study on self-accelerating turbidity currents. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C05025, 26 p.
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia, 2009. "Stability of a Pair of Counterrotating and Corotating Vortices of Different Strengths," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE , vol. 135, no. 6, 2009
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia (2009), " Energy Dissipative Plunging Flows, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 136, issue 8, August.
- Pedocchi, F. and Garcia, M. H., 2009. Friction coefficient for oscillatory flow: the rough-smooth turbulent transition. Journal of Hydraulic Research, v. 47-4 , p. 438-444.
- Dai, A. and M.H. Garcia, 2009. " Meandering Instability of a Vertical Plume," Journal of Engineering Mechanics-asce - J ENG MECH-ASCE , vol. 135, no. 2, 2009 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2009)135:2(111)
- Brocard, D., Garcia, M. H., Kunetz, T., Sobanski, J., Waratuke, A. R., Weber, T. (2009). “Physical Model Study of Chicago’s New Calumet Influent Pumping Station”. Water Practice and Technology 4.1, p. 002. doi: 10.2166/wpt.2009.002.
- Sequeiros, O. E., Spinewine, B., Garcia, M. H., Beaubouef, R. T., Sun, T. and Parker, G. 2009.Experiments on wedge-shaped deep sea sedimentary deposits in minibasins and/or on channel levees emplaced by turbidity currents. Part I. Documentation of the flow. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79(7-8), 593-607.
- Pedocchi, F., Martin, J. E. and García, M. H., 2008. “Inexpensive fluorescent particles for large-scale experiments using Particle Image Velocimetry.” Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 45(1), 183-186.
- Cantero, M.; Balachandar, S.; García, M.; and Bock, D. “Turbulent structures in gravity currents”. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, vol. 113, 2008.
- Holmes, R.R., Jr., and Garcia, M.H., Flow over Bedforms in a Large Sand-Bed River: A Field Investigation , Journal of Hydraulic Research, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp 322-333, 2008
- Bombardelli, F.; Cantero, M.; Buscaglia, G.; and García, M. 2008. “Numerical aspects of the simulation of discontinuous saline underflows: the lock-exchange problem”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2009.
- Sequeiros, O.; Cantero, M.; and García, M.H., “Sediment management by jet and turbidity currents”. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 04/2010; May 2009:340-348. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2009.9522005
- Catano-Lopera, Y.A., and Garcia, M.H.Closure to: Burial of Short Cylinders Induced by Scour under Combined Waves and Currents." J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast., and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 4, July/August, 261-264, 2008.
- Liu, X., Landry, B.J. and M.H. García. "Coupled Two-Dimensional Model for Scour Based on Shallow Water Equations with Unstructured Mesh." Coastal Engineering. 55(10):800-810, 2008.
- Cantero, M.; García, M ; and Balachandar, S. “Effect of particle inertia on depositional particulate gravity currents,” Computers and Geosciences, vol. 34 (10) 1308-1318, 2008.
- Cantero, M.; García, M.H. ; and Balachandar, S. “An Eulerian-Eulerian model for gravity currents driven by inertial particles,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 34(5) 484-501, 2008.
- León, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. “Efficient second-order accurate shock-capturing scheme for modeling one and two-phase water hammer flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 134, (7), 970-983, 2008.
- Abad, J. D., Rhoads, B. L., Guneralp, I., García, M. H. "Flow structure at different stages in a meander-bend with bendway weirs". Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 138 (8): 1052-1053, 2008.
- Abad, J. D., Buscaglia, G. and Garcia, M. H. “2D Stream Hydrodynamic, sediment transport and bed morphology model for engineering applications,” Hydrological Processes. 22: 1443-1459 2008.
- Rodriguez, J.F. and M.H. Garcia, Laboratory measurements of 3-D flow patterns and turbulence in straight open channel with rough bed, Journal of Hydraulic Research. 04/2010; July 2008(4):454-465. DOI: 10.3826/jhr.2008.2994
- Liu, X. and M.H. García. "A 3D Numerical Model with Free Water Surface and Mesh Deformation for Local Sediment Scour." Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 134(4): 203-217, 2007.
- Liu, X. and M.H. García. “Numerical Investigation of Sea Bed Response under Waves with Free-surface Water Flow,” International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 17(2), 97-104, 2007.
- Garcia, C.M., Oberg, K.A. and Garcia, M.H., ADCP measurements of gravity currents in the Chicago River,Illinois Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 133, p. 1,356-1,366, 2007.
- Mueller, D.S., Abad, J.D., Garcia, C.M., Gartner, J.W., Garcia, M.H., and Oberg, K.A., “Errors in acoustic Doppler profiler velocity measurements caused by flow disturbance,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v. 133, p. 1411-1420, 2007.
- Bombardelli, F. A., Buscaglia, G. C., Rehmann, C. R., Rincón, L. E., and García, M. H. (2007). “Modeling and scaling of aeration bubble plumes: a two-phase flow analysis.” J. Hyd. Res., IAHR, 45(5), 617-630.
- Cantero, M.I., Balachandar, S., and Garcia, MH., “High-resolution simulations of cylindrical density currents,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 590, 437-469, 2007.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y. and García, M.H.. “Closure to: Burial of Short Cylinders Induced by Scour under Combined Waves and Currents.” J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast., and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 6, pp. 439-449, 2007.
- Cantero, M.I., Lee, J.R., Balachandar, S., and Garcia, MH., “On the front velocity of gravity currents,’ Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 586, 1-39, 2007.
- Sequeiros, O., Nino, Y, and Garcia, M.H., “Erosion of finite thickness sediment beds by single and multiple circular jets,” IAHR, J. Hydraul. Eng., ASCE, 2007.
- Demir, S.T. and García, M.H., “Experimental studies on burial of finite-length cylinders under oscillatory flow.” J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast., and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, 137:2, 117-125, 2007.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y. and García, M.H., 2007. “Geometry of Scour Hole around, and Influence of the Angle of Attack on the Burial of Short Cylinders under Combined Flows.” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 34, pp. 856-869, 2007.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y., Demir, S.T., and García, M.H. “Self-Burial of Short Cylinders under Oscillatory Flows and Combined Waves.” IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 32,No. 1, pp. 191-203, 2007.
- Pedocchi, F., and García M.H., “Noise-resolution trade-off in projection algorithms for laser diffraction particle sizing,” Applied Optics, 45(15), 2006.
- Pedocchi, F., and García M.H., “Evaluation of the LISST-ST instrument for suspended particle size distribution and settling velocities,” Continental Shelf Research, 26, 943-958, 2006.
- García C.M. and García M.H., “Characterization of flow turbulence in large-scale bubble-plume experiments,” Experimenst in Fluids, 41: 91-101, 2006.
- Admiraal, D., Musalem, R., Garcia, M.H., and Nino, Y, “Vortex trajectory hysteresis above self-formed vortex ripples,” Journal of Hydraulic Research., IAHR, 44:4, 437-450, 2006.
- García C.M.; Jackson P; and García M.. “Confidence intervals in the determination of turbulence parameters”. Experimenst in Fluids, Volume 40, Issue 4, pp 514-522, April 2006
- Leon A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and GarcÃa M. H.. ``Godunov-type solutions for transient flows in sewers.'' J. Hydraul. Eng., ASCE, 132(8), 800-813, 2006.
- Cantero, M.; Balachandar, S.; García, M. and Ferry, J., “Direct numerical simulation of planar and cylindrical density currents,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 73, 923-930, 2006.
- Bigillon, F., Nino, Y., and Garcia, M.H., "Measurements of turbulence characteristics in an open-channel flow over a transitionally-rough bed using particle image velocimetry." Experiments in Fluids, 41:857–867, DOI 10.1007/s00348-006-0201-2, 2006.
- Abad, J. D. and García, M. H. Discussion of “Efficient algorithm for Computing Einstein Integrals by Junke Guo and Pierre Y. Julien” (Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 12, pp. 1198-1201, 2004). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 132 (3): 332-334, 2006.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y. and García, M.H., “Geometry and Migration Characteristics of Bedforms under Waves and Currents: Part 2, Sandwaves and flow structure.” Coastal Engineering, Vol. 53, Issue 9, pp.781-792 2006.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y. and García, M.H., “Geometry and Migration Characteristics of Bedforms under Waves and Currents: Part 1, Ripples Superimposed on Sandwaves.” Coastal Engineering, Vol. 53, Issue 9, pp.767-780, 2006.
- Cataño-Lopera, Y. and García, M.H. “Burial of Short Cylinders Induced by Scour under Combined Waves and Currents.” J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast., and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 6, pp. 439-449, 2006.
- Abad J. D. and García, M. H., “RVR Meander: A toolbox for re-meandering of channelized streams,” Computers & Geosciences, 32: 92-101, 2006.
- Garcia, C.M., Cantero, M, Nino, Y. and Garcia, M.H. “Turbulence Measurements Using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 131: 1062-1073, 2005.
- Rodríguez, J. F., Bombardelli, F. A., García, M. H., Frothingham, K., Rhoads, B. L., Abad, J. D., and Guzmán, J. M. “High-resolution numerical simulation of flow through a highly sinuous river reach.” Water Resources Management, Kluwer, vol. 18, pp. 177-199, 2004.
- Coleman, S.E., Fedele, J.J., and Garcia, M.H., “Closed-conduit bed-form initiation and development,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 12, 956-965, December, 2003.
- Nino, Y., F. Lopez, and M.H. Garcia, “Threshold for Particle Entrainment into Suspension,” Sedimentology, Vol. 50, 247-263, 2003.
- Bombardelli, F.A. and Garcia, M.H. “Hydraulic design of large-diameter pipes,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 11, 839-846, November, 2003.
- Buscaglia, G. C., Bombardelli, F. A., and García, M. H., “Numerical modeling of large-scale bubble plumes accounting for mass transfer effects.” Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 28, 1763-1785, 2002.
- Wade, R. J., Rhoads, B. L., Rodríguez, J. F., Daniels, M., Wilson, D., Herricks, E. E., Bombardelli, F. A., García, M. H., and Schwartz, J., “Integrating science and technology to support stream naturalization near Chicago, Illinois.” J. American Water Resources Association, AWRA, 38, 931-944, 2002.
- Rodríguez, J. F., Admiraal, D.M., García, M.H. and López, F., "Unsteady bed shear stresses induced by navigation: laboratory observations,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 128(5), 2002.
- Choi, S-U. and Garcia, M.H. “k-e turbulence modeling of density currents developing two dimensional on a slope,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, v. 128, p. 55-62, 2002.
- Teeter, A.M., Johnson, B.H., Berger, C., Stelling, G., Scheffner, N.W., Garcia, M.H. and Parchure, T.M., “Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling with emphasis on shallow-water, vegetated areas (lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and lagoons),” Hydrobiologia, 444: 1-23, 2001.
- Choi, S-U. and Garcia, M.H. “Spreading of gravity plumes on an incline,” Coastal Engineering, v. 43, p. 221-237, 2001.
- Rodriguez, J.F., Garcia, M.H. and Admiraal, D.M. “Computation of entrainment of sediment into suspension in unsteady turbulent flows using an stochastic approach.” Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico, 16(2), 5-16, 2001 (in Spanish).
- Lopez, F. and M.H. García, “Risk of Sediment Erosion and Suspension in Turbulent Flows,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, N3, 231-235, March 2001.
- Lopez, F. and M.H. García, “Open-Channel flow Through Simulated Vegetation: Mean Flow and Turbulence Modeling,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, vol. 127, N5, 392-402, May 2001.
- Admiraal, D. and M.H. García, “Entrainment Response of Bed Sediment to Time-Varying Flows,” Water Resources Research, 36: 1, 335-348, January 2000.
- Huang, X. and M.H. García, “Pollution of Gravel Spawning Grounds by Deposition of Suspended Sediment,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, N10, 963-967, October 2000.
- Parsons, J.D. and M.H. García, “Enhanced Sediment Scavenging Due to Double-Diffusive Convection,” Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol. 70, N1, 47-52, January 2000.
- Admiraal, D. and M.H. García, “Laboratory Measurements of Suspended Sediment Concentration Using an Acoustic concentration Profiler (ACP),” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 28, 116-227, 2000.
- Nino, Y., F. Lopez, I. Hillmer, C. Pirard, and M.H. García, “Numerical Modeling of Wind-Induced Turbulent Mixing Processes in Stratified Water Bodies. Hydraulic Engineering in Mexico, vol. XV, 1, 13-25, 2000 (in Spanish).
- García, M.H., Admiraal, D.M., and J.F. Rodriguez, “Laboratory Experiments on Navigation-Induced Bed Shear Stresses and Sediment Resusupension,” vol. 14(2), 303-317, International Journal of Sediment Research, 1999.
- López, F., and M.H. García, “Wall Similarity in Open Channels: Universal value of the Normalized Vertical Flux of Turbulent Kinetic Energy,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, “Special Issue on Turbulence,” 125:7, 789-796, July 1999.
- Huang, X., and M.G. García, “Modeling of Non-Hydroplaning Mudflows on Continental Slopes,” Marine Geology, 154:131-142, 1999.
- Parsons, J.D., and M.H. García, “Similarity of Gravity Current Fronts,” Physics of Fluids, 10:12, 3209-3213, 1998.
- Huang, X., and M.H. García, “A Herschel-Bulkley Model for Mud Flows Down a Slope,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 374, 305-333, 1998.
- López, F., and M.H. García, “Open-Channel Flow Through Simulated Vegetation: Suspended Sediment Transport Modeling,” Water Resources Research, 34:9, 2341-2352, 1998.
- Niño, Y. and M.H. García, “Experiments on Saltation of Fine Sand,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 124:10, 1014-1025, 1998.
- Niño, Y., and M.H. García, , “Using Lagrangian Particle Saltation Observations for Bedload Sediment Transport Modeling,” Hydrological Processes, 12, 1197-1218, 1998.
- Niño, Y. and M.H. García, “On Engelund’s Analysis of Turbulent Energy and Suspended Load, “ ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 124:4, 480-483 (technical note), 1998.
- Huang, X., and M.H. García, “A Perturbation Solution for Bingham Plastic Mud Flows,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 123:11, 984-996, 1997 (Received the 1999 Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize from ASCE for this paper).
- Niño, Y., and M.H. García, “Experiments on Particle-Turbulence Interactions in the Near Wall Region of an Open Channel Flow: Implications for Sediment Transport,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 326, 285-319, 1996.
- Choi, S.U., and M.H. García, “Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach for Finite Element Modeling of Two-Dimensional Turbidity Currents,” Water International, 21, 175-182, 1996.
- Pratson, L.F., H.J. Lee, G. Parker, M.H. García, B.J. Coakley, D. Mohrig, J. Locat, U. Mello, J.D. Parsons, S. Choi, and K. Israel, “Studies of Mass-Movement Processes on Submarine Slopes,” Oceanography, 9:3, 168-172, 1996.
- López, F., Y. Niño, and M.H. García, “Turbulent Coherent Structures in Open-Channel Flows with Smooth Beds,” Hydraulic Engineering in Mexico, XI:1, 5-13, IMTA, Mexico, 1996 (in Spanish).
- García, M.H., and J.D. Parsons, “Mixing at the Front of Gravity Currents,” Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 24, 197-205, 1996.
- Choi, S.U., and M. H. García, “Modeling of One-Dimensional Turbidity Currents with a Dissipative-Galerkin Finite Element Method,” IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, 33:5, 1 26, 1995.
- García, M.H., F. López, and Y. Niño, “Characterization of Near-Bed Coherent Structures in Turbulent Open Channel Flow Using Synchronized High-Speed Video and Hot-Film Measurement,” Experiments in Fluids, 19, 16-28, 1995.
- García, M.H., “Depositional Turbidity Currents Laden with Poorly-Sorted Sediment,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 120:11, 1240-1263, Nov. 1994 (Received the 1996 Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize from ASCE for this paper).
- Niño, Y., and M.H. García, “Gravel Saltation II: Modeling,” AGU Water Resources Research, 30:6, 1915-1924, June 1994.
- Niño, Y., M.H. García, and L. Ayala, “Gravel Saltation I: Experiments,” AGU Water Resources Research, 30:6, 1907-1914, June 1994.
- García, M.H., and Y. Niño, “Dynamics of Sediment Bars in Straight and Meandering Channels: Experiments on the Resonance Phenomenon,” IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, 31:6, 739-761, 1993.
- García, M.H., “Hydraulic Jumps in Sediment-laden Bottom Currents,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 199:6, 1094-1117, October 1993.
- García, M.H., and G. Parker, “Experiments on the Entrainment of Sediment into Suspension by a Dense Bottom Current,” AGU Journal of Geophysical Research (oceans), 98:C3, 4793-4807, March 1993.
- García, M.H., and G. Parker, “Entrainment of Bed Sediment into Suspension,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,, 117:4, 414-435, April 1991.
- García, M.H., and G. Parker, “Experiments on Hydraulic Jumps in Turbidity Currents Near a Canyon-Fan Transition,” Science, 117:4, 393-396, July 1989.
- Parker, G., M. H. García, Y. Fukushima, and W. Yu, “Experiments on Turbidity Currents over an Erodible Bed,” IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, 25:1, 123-147, 1987.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Wang, D., and García, M. H. (2020). Density driven mixing layer in environmental flows: A high-resolution remote sensing image based, numerical simulation and field measurements aided confluence mixing model. In River Flow 2020: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020). CRC Press.
- Li, Z. and Garcia, M.H., 2D numerical modeling on meander chute cutoffs. In River Flow 2020: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020). CRC Press.
- Guo, X-Y, Chen, D., Li, Z., Garcia, M.H., Parker, G., and Tanaka G. (2020) Sinuous rivers in peat. River Flow 2020. In River Flow 2020: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020). CRC Press.
- Fernandez, R., Garcia, M.H., and Parker, G. (2016). Mississippi River harbor Siltation Study, R., Proceedings of River Flow 2016, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Dutta, S., P. Fischer and M. H. Garcia. (2016) Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of ow and bedload transport at an idealized 90-degree diversion: insight into Bulle-Effect Proceedings of River Flow 2016, St. Louis, Missouri
- Wang, D., S. Dutta, P.R. Jackson and M.H. Garcia. (2016)Three-dimensional numerical modeling of mixing at the junction of the Calumet-Sag Channel and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal: A comparison between density-driven and advection-driven mixing, Proccedings of River Flow 2016, St. Louis Missouri
- Wu, H., Zamalloa, C. C. Z., Blanco, J. E. S. J., Landry, B. J., Garcıa, M. H. (2015). “Two-dimensional PIV measurements for studying the effect of bed permeability on incipient motion of synthetic sediment particles”. American Physical Society : 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. November 2015. Boston, MA
- Dutta, S., Wang, D., Tassi, P. and M.H. Garcia (2015), Modeling the Bulle Phenomenon at Channel Diversions with Telemac, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics International Syposium, Iquitos, Peru
- Santacruz, S., Morales, V., Oberg, N., García, M.H. (2015), Integrated Urban Drainage Model for the City of Chicago, 10th Urban Drainage Modeling Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Abad, J. D., Frias, C. (**), Langendoen, E., Best, J., Rhoads, B., Konsoer, K., Garcia, M. H. (2014). “Modulation of the flow structure by progressive bed forms in the Meandering Wabash River”. River Flow 2014, IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environmental Research), Laussane, Switzerland, September 3-5, 2014.
- Garcia, T., Murphy, E.A., Jackson, P.R., and M.H. Garcia (2015) Laboratory Experiments Using Synthetic Silver Carp Eggs to Evaluate Critical Hydrodynamic Conditions for Egg Suspension, American Fisheries Society 144th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis
- Garcia, T., Murphy, E.A., Jackson, P.R., Chapman, D. and M.H. Garcia (2015). Using the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) in an Integrated Pest Management Approach to Asian Carp Control, American Fisheries Society 144th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis
- Garcia, M.H., Martin, J.E., Landry, B.J., Waratuke, A.R., and N. Oberg (2013). "On the Effectiveness of Levees for Flood Control: An Application of the Hydraulic Performance Graph Method,"Proceedings of IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China.
- Bryk, A., Best, J., Abad, J. D., Garcia, M. H. (2012). “The influence of channel-skewed bedforms on secondary flows in high curvature meander bends”. Third International Symposium on Shallow Flows, University of Iowa City, IA, USA, June 4-6.
- Landry, B.J., Calantoni, J., Palmer, J.E., and M.H. Garcia (2012), ΔF2luID™: A new, robust, cutting-edge technology to resolve fluid interfaces, Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference HMEM 2012, August 12 -15, 2012 Snowbird Utah
- Sinha, S. and M.H. Garcia. "A comparative study between 2D and 3D model based on Shallow Water Equations, Development and Applications" HIC-2012 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Understanding Changing Climate and Environment Finding Solutions, Hamburg, Germany, July 2012.
- Sinha, S. and M. H. Garcia. "Three-Dimensional numerical modeling of density currents in the Chicago River, Chicago, IL" TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK, 18-19 October 2012 St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK
- Langendoen, E.J., Motta, D., Abad, J.D., Garcia, M.H., (2010). “An improved meander migration formulation based on streambank erosion processes”. River Flow Conference, Braunshweig, Germany. September 8-10.
- Ashmore, P., J. Best, J. Czuba, J. Denny, D. Foster, K. Oberg, M. H. Garcia, X. Liu, G. Parker, D. Parsons. Morphology, sedimentology and dynamics of the upper St. Clair River. In Proceedings of the 53rd International Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada, 2010
- Landry, B. J., Waratuke, A.R., Catano-Lopera, Y. A., Garcia, M. H. (2012). Apparatus and Method for Flow Control". US Patent Application No. 13/770,253 (utility patent filed February 19, 2013).
- Jackson, R. P., S. Sinha, S. Dutta, K. Johnson, J. Duncker and M. H. Garcia. (2013) Investigation of Hysteresis in Index-Velocity Ratings for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois. USGS Scientic Investigations Report 2013-5095.
- Fitzpatrick, F.A., Boufadel, M.C., Johnson, Rex, Lee, Kenneth, Graan, T.P., and others, 2015, Oil-particle interactions and submergence from crude oil spills in marine and freshwater environments—review of the science and future science needs: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1076, 33 p.
- Kim, S.J., Waratuke, A.,Mier, J.M., M.H. Garcia. Chicago River Controlling Works: Discharge Rating Curves for Hydraulic Structures Obtained Through 3D CFD Simulations, Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 100, UIUC-ENG-2014-2105, UIUC.
- P. Ryan Jackson · Sumit Sinha · Som Dutta · Kevin K. Johnson · James J. Duncker · Marcelo H. Garcia Evaluation of the Potential for Hysteresis in Index-Velocity Ratings for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lemont, Illinois. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 01/2013; USGS SIR 2013-5095.
- Liu, X., S. Sinha, N. Sobh and M.H. Garcia (2010), Three-dimensional Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Modeling of the Chicago River, IL. Hydrosystems Laboratory,prepared for Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Waratuke, A. R., Abad, J. D., Barnas, C., Garcia, M. H. (2009). “Design and modeling of a combined canoe chute/fish passage for the North Branch Dam, Chicago, Illinois”. Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 93, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Abad, J. D., Waratuke, A. R. and García, M. H. (2006). “Numerical simulation of the Telegraph Drop-shaft – Baumgartner Tunnel System”, St. Louis, MO, USA.
- Liu, X. and M.H. Garcia (2007), Numerical Modeling of the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant (CWRP) Primary Settling Tanks, Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No 80, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Abad, J. D., Bombardelli, F. A., Waratuke, A. R. and García, M. H. (2004) “Modeling and alternative analysis for SEPA Station No. 3”. In report “SEPA Station No. 3, Siltation Alleviation Study, Greeley and Hansen & Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, IL, USA.
- Garcia, C.M; Cantero, M.; Jackson, P.R. y Garcia, M.H. 2004. "Characterization of the flow turbulence using water velocity signals recorded by Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters". Civil engineering studies, Hydraulic engineering series 75. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Sequeiros, O.E., Nino, Y., Garcia, M.H., 2005 Sedimentation Management in Combined Sewer Over Flow Storage Reservoirs Using Water Jets. Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series, No. 76, UILU-ENG.
- Garcia, M.H. and A. Waratuke, “Large Scale Test on Air Bubble Diffuser “Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2004.
- Bombardelli, F.A., Buscaglia, G.C., Rehmann, C.R. and Garcia, M.H., “One Dimensional Theoretical and Numerical Models for Aeration Bubble Plumes-McCook Reservoir Studies,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 71, UILU-ENG-2002-2005, UIUC, 2002.
- Bombardelli, F.A. and M.H. García, “Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of Density Currents in the Chicago River, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 68, UILU-ENG-01-2001, UIUC, 2001.
- Shuster, J.M. and Garcia, M.H., “Hydraulic Model Study for the Optimization of the Spillway at Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series, No. 66, UILU-ENG-2000-2010, UIUC, 2000.
- Peabody, A.M. and M.H. García, “Hydraulic Model Study of the Boneyard Creek at Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 65, UILU-00-2002, UIUC, 1999.
- Caisely, M., Bombardelli, F., and M.H. García, “Hydraulic Model Study of a Canoe-Chute for Low Head Dams in Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 63, UILU-99-2012, UIUC, 1999.
- Waratuke, A.R. and M.H. García, “Hydraulic Model Study of the Boneyard Creek at WrightStreet, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic EngineeringSeries No. 62, UILU-99-2010, UIUC, 1999.
- García, M.H., D.M. Admiraal, and J.F. Rodriguez, “Sediment Entrainment Functions for Navigation-Induced Resuspension,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 61, UILU-99-2006, UIUC, 1999.
- Caisley, M.E., and M.H. García, “Canoe Chutes and Fishways for Low-Head Dams: Literature Review and Design Guidelines,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 60, UILU-99-2001, UIUC, 1999.
- Yen, B.C., M.H. García, C.D. Troy, and J. Arbruster, “Stream Channel Migration Effects on Bridge Approaches and Conveyance,” Report No. ITRC FR-94-4, Illinois Transportation Research Center, Illinois Department of Transportation, 1998.
- García, M.H., D.M. Admiraal, and J. Rodriguez, “Navigation-Induced Bed Shear Stresses: Laboratory Measurements, Data Analysis, and Application,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series, No. 56, UILU-ENG-98-2002, UIUC, 1998.
- Armbruster, J.T. and M.H. García, “Hydraulic Model Study for the Restoration of Batavia Dam, Fox River, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 55, UILU-ENG-98-2001, UIUC, 1998.
- López, F. and M.H. García, “Open-Channel Flow through Simulated Vegetation: Turbulence Modeling and Sediment Transport,” Wetlands Research Program Technical Report WRP-CP-10, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1997.
- López, F. and M.H. García, “Turbulence Structure in Cobble-Bed Open-Channel Flow,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 52, UILU-ENG-96-2012, UIUC, 1996.
- Dunn, C., F. López, and M.H. García, “Mean Flow and Turbulence in a Laboratory Channel with Simulated Vegetation,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 51, UILU-ENG-96-2009, UIUC, 1996.
- Freeman, J.W. and M.H. García, “Hydraulic Model Study for the Drown Proofing of Yorkville Dam, Illinois,” Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 50, UILU-ENG-96-2005, UIUC, 1996.
- Waterman, D., and M.H. Garcia (2015)."Laboratory Tests of Oil-Particle Interactions in a Freshwater Riverine Environment with Cold Lake Blend Weathered Bitumen," Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 106, ISSN: 0442-1744
- Waterman, D., Fytanidis, D., and M.H. Garcia (2015). "Kalamazoo River In Situ Flume Bed Erosion Study," Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 105, ISSN: 0442-1744,
- Cantone, J.P., Stepina, N., Schmidt, A.R., and Garcia, M.H., (2011). "Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of Calumet TARP System," Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Report No. 16, 73 p.
- Cantone, J.P., Schmidt, A.R., Hollander, M., Erickson, A., Tang, Y., and Garcia, M.H., (2009). "Application of the Illinois Urban Hydrologic Model (IUHM) to Selected Catchments in the Calumet Tunnel and Reservoir Plan System," Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Report No. 6, 86 p.
- Catano-Lopera, Y.A.,Oberg, N., Choi, N.J., Schmidt, A.R., and Garcia, M.H., (2009). "Hydraulic Conveyance Analysis of the Calumet TARP System," Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Report No. 3, 64 p.
- Cantone, J.P., Seo, Y., Zimmer, A., Schmidt, A.R., and Garcia, M.H., (2009). "Hydrologic Modeling of the Calumet TARP System," Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Report No. 1, 109 p.
Teaching Honors
- Grainger College of Engineering Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring (2022)
- Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching, Honorable Mention (2003)
- Recognized for Excellence in Advising, Grainger College of Engineering, UIUC (1997, 2001)
- Included in Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students at UIUC: CE 459 Sediment Transport for spring 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2005; 2004, 2012, 2015, 2023; CE 498 EH Environmental Hydrodynamics for Spring 1994, 1996, 1998, 2003 CE 255 Introduction to Hydrosystems Engineering for Fall 1995, 1996, 1998, CEE 353 Analysis and Design of Hydraulic Systems, for Spring 1999, 2004, 2006,2018. CEE555 Mixing in Environmental Flows, 2014. CEE551 "Open Channel Hydraulics" fall 2009, 2011, 2013, 2021, 2024. (1990-2024)
Research Honors
- Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (2024)
- Honorary Member, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) (2023)
- Fellow, American Geophysical Union (AGU) (2022)
- 6th M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award, International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) (2017)
- Donald F.R. Harleman Honorary Lecture in Water Resources Engineering, Penn State University (2015)
- Barr Engineering Distinguished Lecture, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota (2014)
- Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2013)
- Fellow, Environmental Water Resources Institute (EWRI), American Society of Civil Engineers (2013)
- National Award for Scientific Contributions to Science and Technology from Government of Panama, Panama Canal Authority (2012)
- Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Lecture Award, ASCE. (2012)
- IAGLR Chandler-Misener Award for most notable paper published in Journal of Great Lakes Research, International Great Lakes Association (2012)
- Enrico Marchi Lecture, Italian Association of Hydraulics, University of Florence, Italy (2012)
- Wesley Horner Award, best paper in Journal of Environmental Engineering, EWRI/ASCE (2012)
- Borland Lecture in Hydraulics, AGU-Hydrology Days, Colorado State University (2009)
- Corresponding Member, National Academy of Engineering of Argentina (2007)
- Hans Albert Einstein Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE (2006)
- Honorary Member, Chi Epsilon National Civil Engineering Honor Society
- Honorary Professor, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina (2001)
- 12th Arthur Thomas Ippen Award, International Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research, IAHR (2001)
- Inaugural Chester and Helen Siess Endowed Professorship in Civil Engineering, UIUC (2001-2014)
- University Scholar Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2000)
- Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize, ASCE, 1999 (best paper in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE)
- Arthur and Virginia Nauman Faculty Scholar, Civil and Environmental Eng., UIUC (1998-2001)
- Walter Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, ASCE (1998)
- Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize, ASCE, 1996 (best paper in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering) (1996)
- Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honor Society (1992)
- National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award (1992)
- Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Institute Fellowship, Japan (1990)
- Alvin G. Anderson Award, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota (1989)
Public Service Honors
- Illinois Science and Technology Coalition Researchers to Know (2022)
- International Scientific Committee Member, Firenze 2016: Progetto Firenze, l'alluvione, Italy (2016)
- Honorary Speaker, Hydraulics in the Time of Cholera, Chicago Ideas Week, Chicago, Illinois (2012)
- Recognition as Co-Team Leader, Sedimentation Studies, St Clair River Study, International Great Lakes Commission. (2010)
- Member, National Research Council Panel on River Science at the US Geological Survey. (2005-2007)